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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. C

    I'm making a hive and looking for a source for aluminium sheet and mesh floor

    Hi All I have tried a search but without much success. A couple of questions about building materials. Anyone know of a good source of aluminium sheet. Better still, is there a company that will cut it to size? Secondly Where do I buy mesh floor, preferably a company willing to pre cut it...
  2. C

    Bees are busy this morning

    Loads of pollen coming in. One type seems to be a bright orange colour and some bees are collecting a muddy brown / dark tan colour pollen. Any idea what they are collecting? In the garden are dozens of daffodils but they seem to be ignoring them to fly further afield. Cliff
  3. C

    Video, how to make fondant.

    Thanks for the video. Just one question about feeding! Are you using an eke on top of the brood box then crown board on top of the eke? I'm just wondering how you have the room to put a slab on top of the frames? Cliff
  4. C

    Feeding on a double brood box?

    I have a couple of hives left on double brood boxes for winter. When I did the oxalic treatment, I noticed that in one hive, they all moved down stairs. There was little stores down but plenty of sealed stores in the upper box. Will the bees know this and move up if they are hungry? Cliff
  5. C

    comments on varroa count from last weekend?

    They had a month of Apiguard, 2 weeks and replaced with 2nd Apiguard treatment. Only 2 or 3 mite drop /week per inch. I thought this was ok. 4 colonies are on solid floor. The others are similar count Cliff
  6. C

    comments on varroa count from last weekend?

    OK, I have the books that mention varroa count 3 days later. 7 days ago, I did the oxalic treatment. Today I had a look and counted around 5 to 8 dead mites per square inch fallen through the mesh floor. Is this good or bad? Cliff
  7. C

    Thinking ahead as a newbeek!

    how many supers have you,i always advise min 4, one filling nectar, one reducing nectar, one capping honey and a spare (or extracting) but saying that, i saw in osr out apiary a hive last year with 8 I'm not clear what you are saying here? I agree with 8 or 9 frames then super up. Are you...
  8. C

    Most hives doing well but....?

    It was between the brood box and the crown board. I realise now I should have taken the qe off! The hives with the double brood boxes, the queen is free to travel between them. Cliff
  9. C

    Most hives doing well but....?

    Just did the oxalic treatment for the first time. The only problem was removing the queen excluder, this seemed to disturb the bees and they came up. Next year, I will take off the q excluder after the Apiguard treatment. All hives are doing well and have plenty of stores. Most colonies...
  10. C

    Is it ok to oxalic treat today?

    9am, it is frosty outside. I expect the temperature will get to around +3 noon ish. If I'm quick, will it be ok to treat the bees or should I wait for a warmer day? Cliff
  11. C

    National to commercial?

    got a copy. Now Im off to find a page! Cliff
  12. C

    National to commercial?

    I'm future planning for spring. When it comes to AS or split hives, I'm planning to move from national brood to commercial brood. Am I right in thinking that i will split and put the national brood above the commercial box with foundation. Feed like mad and allow the queen to move up and...
  13. C

    Pete's Next Video ?????

    Video request please Pete. How to oxalic treat bees in winter. Cliff
  14. C

    new to the forum

    Hi and welcome. I'm a school teacher and this year I asked if I could put hives in a very safe place in the school grounds and run a beekeeping club. I was asked in the risk assessment to calculate how many bees would be on the school fields per acre! Risk of swarming risk of stings risk...
  15. C

    Bee keeping- can you make a profit?

    Selling equipment and nucs with bees is likely. There is a lot of competition for hives although Im planning to go down the plywood cheapo hive route. Low cost start up hives. Cliff
  16. C

    Bee keeping- can you make a profit?

    So far I have 8 nationals with bees. (costing me a mint in feeding them at the moment)! 8 national brood boxes, Im planning to use double brood boxes as swarm control. 4 empty commercial hives and supers 6 empty national hives and supers enough frames and foundation for all hives around 6...
  17. C

    Bee keeping- can you make a profit?

    I know that bees are the livelihood of some people here. I'm just setting up and have spent a couple of thousand on bees and equipment with zero return. What sort of number of hives do you need to make a sustainable profit? I'm retiring this year and will soon have plenty of time on my hands...
  18. C

    Why fondant?

    Do bees not need water to store the fondant?
  19. C

    Why fondant?

    I know it may seem a daft question but why go to the trouble of making / buying fondant?? What is wrong with soaking a bag of sugar and cutting a small 6mm slot in the bag and leaving it over the crownboard hole? Cliff