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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Midget Gem

    New Members

    I would advise both of you to join your local BKA and go to as many apiary meetings as you can. In 5 years you will learn quite a lot about beekeeping and whether you enjoy it or not. Once out there, talk to local beekeepers and get yourself some local bees.
  2. Midget Gem

    Bee stings

    Not sure I'm brave enough to take regular stings just to find out it doesn't work...although if it did work:unsure:
  3. Midget Gem

    Bee stings

    I get significant localised swelling from bee stings so wear double marigolds to help avoid them. If I do get stung I take Chlorphenamine (antihistamine that only lasts for 4 hours but is good for acute allergic reactions) for the reaction. Eurax cream works remarkably well to stop the itching...
  4. Midget Gem

    Early Evening Inspections

    I went to add extra supers yesterday just before 7pm. Lovely evening - warm, no wind, sun out. 1st mistake - I know it's evening but it's ages before the sun goes down so they'll still be lots out and too busy to bother with me. 2nd mistake - I won't need a smoker. I'm only adding supers. I'll...
  5. Midget Gem

    Best place for hives?

    Thanks for all your replies. 24-30C?...this is North Wales so I don't think overheating is a problem:D. Maybe too windy. My wooden national hives are already solid floors for that reason. A clawdd is a stone and earth wall. There is plenty of forage here - mostly wild flowers, native trees...
  6. Midget Gem

    Best place for hives?

    We get a lot of wind here and I wondered how much that would hamper them.
  7. Midget Gem

    Best place for hives?

    I have my hives in front of a clawdd wall facing south. They have been there for a few years but they don't seem to be thriving. Is it better for them to be in full sun but exposed or sheltered but in the shade? Any opinions welcomed.