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  1. S

    Will a DLQ get mated?

    The cast I hived two weeks ago has a drone laying queen. Now that she's laying will she try and get mated if the weather improves or am I better off removing her and trying to get queen cells developed from a frame of eggs?
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    Go for it. I have two hens free ranging in the garden and the henhouse is next to the hive. No problems with either. All I need to complete the good life is Felicity Kendal- but I think she is out of my league. Te He.;)
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    How did Stockton avoid the rain all day today??? Was it warm enough for the virgin queens in my cast and old hive to get mated? The bee inspector is coming on Wednesday. I hope it is warm and dry enough for an inspection. The forecast says not... Ah, the joys of an English spring.
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    worried after inspection :(

    If you can see varroa on the bees then things are serious. I'd recommend treating with Apiguard. I have found it very effective in reducing varroa infestation, especially if rotated annually with Apistan strips. Good luck.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    For the first time I had confidence to handle a queen and clip her wings. No more swarms into the neighbours gardens. Third year beekeeping and I'm getting the hang of it.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    National hive tried to swarm yesterday, but couldn't as the queen is in her third year and her wings are too ragged to fly. Found her in the grass with some attendants and returned her to the hive. Then they tried to go again but the queen stayed in the hive. I found her and artificially swarmed...
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    New Year Resolution

    This will be my second full year as a beekeeper. My first resolution is to artificially swarm my two colonies before they swarm and become a problem for the neighbours. Last year's early spring caught me on the hop. A second resolution is to enter some honey in our local shows. Bring on the...
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    Bees and water.

    I agree. I put a block of oasis in a paint roller tray. It is safer for the bees than my fish pond. About 4 metres from both my garden hives and they don't bother the neighbours. The idea came from this forum in the spring.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    After a week of studying the books I did my basic beekeeping exam yesterday. The sun shone on the association apiary, the bees were calm, and the examiner patient and instructive (thanks Tony). Very good of him to give up his Sunday to help four keepers progress their craft. Fingers crossed for...
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    Disadvantages of Beekeeping

    I cannot believe how my first year of beekeeping has tested my courage and caused so much worry through the night. When they are Q+ and there's a flow on they're amazingly well behaved. When the weather's bad or they swarm into the neighbour's garden it's like keeping thousands of homicidal...
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    New nuc with varroa

    I bought a nuc badly infected with varroa last year. I used Apiguard and cleared the lot (or just about all of them). I have been monitoring this year and haven't need to treat the original colony or the swarms I collected from it. I also supplemented the treatment with Hiveclean which was well...
  12. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Today I hived a swarm (football size) by getting them to walk in from a sheet -for the first time. Even better, this was in my Mam's garden where I have another hive. The girls behaved beautifully while Mam sat with a cuppa and watched my skillful manipulation ;) The swarm wasn't from her hive...
  13. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Combined 2 nucs one Q+, the other Q- , using deodorant to mask the scent and sugar water to encourage mutual grooming. Worked a treat. Thank you John Allen from Teesbees for the excellent advice.
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    Drinking water via Oasis

    Green oasis- my bees love it. I put mine in a paint roller tray and they're all over it.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    My home hive sent out scouts yesterday. They found the bottle of lemongrass oil in the house that I'd used to make some swarm lures. Today I made my first inspection. 9 frames of brood, 2 of stores, 2 queen cups and loads of drone brood in brace comb at the bottom of the frames. Put a 14x12...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    All the bees were flying today- or that's what it looked like. I should have warned my better half about drying the duvet cover on the line but....... Yes you guessed it, bee poo everywhere. We did laugh.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thanks Toby 3652 and Hombre for your replies. I had to read Hombre's twice before I realised the joke. Thanks again, you've put my mind at rest.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not much doing today in Teesside-too cold. On Friday my bees were out in force and threw out this one which had a white crust on her wings. She couldn't fly. Could it be some of the fondant I'm feeding or a wing virus? There should be a picture with this post.
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    Caddon hives

    I've had a National and a WBC from Caddon this winter. Both good quality and good value. Good personal service too.
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    air force one deployed

    Mine flying like a summers day too in Teesside. 13 degrees and a couple of hundred dead disposed of by undertaker bees. Both hives look healthy which is good after such a cold November and December. Lots of cleansing and orientating flights. I'm now looking forward to my second year as a...