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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    Evil Bees

    An alternative is to walk in a just emerged virgin queen or introduce a protected queen cell from a good colony. The virgin will find her and probably save you a job.....
  2. M

    Langstroth: harmony frame rotation method

    Just sounded like a way of making some cash. Reinvent the wheel using fancy words and romantic theory. Sell some books, charge for lessons and become a bit famous.
  3. M

    Derbyshire (erewash) bee keepers?

    Why don't you contact your local association directly? Google 'DBKA beekeepers'
  4. M

    Heather / OSR honey mix?

    Insert Conwy beekeepers minus the gap where the dots are....
  5. M

    Heather / OSR honey mix?

    Have a look at 'preparing heather honey for sale' at the bottom of this page.....
  6. M

    who sell's good queens on here ?

    Are you sure it's not some other factor like a change in the weather or robbing? Mine were horrible when I visited today, but last week they were gentle and calm.
  7. M

    buying bees

    Unless you have access to free materials and can make the kit, your hand will never be out of your pocket - especially in the early years. Also unless you have a huge or isolated garden it is probably best not to keep bees there. Some associations have cheaper 'friend' memberships for those...
  8. M

    Jars - from who & how much?

    I fail to understand why you can't re-use jars. You don't get a new un-used glass every time you order a drink in a pub, or unused plates and cutlery in a restaurant.......
  9. M

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    On the spur of the moment I put out a bait hive in the garden this morning. I don't expect to get a swarm this late in the season but it is possible. More out of interest than the need for any more bees!
  10. M

    Would I experience problems moving unwired hives?

    I've had the plastic runners collapse when moving a drawn BB in the trailer - the weight of the frames and the local pot holes.........
  11. M

    Hive Alive BBC2 On Now!

    Plus... There is no guarantee of honey every year and you may have to buy sugar to feed them! Bees can be vicious and intimidating - and it will be your responsibility to deal with them if they are. Like holidays in May, June or July? The little blighters will swarm and you'll loose them...
  12. M

    Hive Alive BBC2 On Now!

    It looked like they stuck a queen on a stick and went fishing.... It seemed to be trying to get free rather than flying.
  13. M

    Icing sugar
  14. M

    plants bees work or not

    There are honeybees (not ours) visiting our purple butterfly bush Buddleja davidii as I type.
  15. M

    Hive in the city centre - Netherlands.... advice please

    Post a picture - might help inform opinions!
  16. M

    First Attempt With No Foundation.

    I drill two small holes where the foundation sits so it is a tight fit and jam them in. You can use lolly ice sticks instead of wax but when I do this I normally use a dab of wood glue. I find a strong colony will fill the frames quite easily, but they build more drone. This reduces the...
  17. M

    First Attempt With No Foundation.

    I've use two wooden skewers per frame vertically set (making three sections) and a starter strip. The bees seem to like it and follow the line of the skewer so the comb stays straight. It may not be as strong as horizontally wired frames but I've never had a problem. An additional benefit is...
  18. M

    Rent for out apiary

    If you are renting the whole field so it won't be used for anything else it's fair to pay rent of some description. However, having bees will only benefit the land through pollination (especially for crops), and is not costing anything to host if there is no disruption caused. So it depends...
  19. M

    Hive Alive BBC2 On Now!

    +1 Not wearing ppe is like riding a motorbike without a helmet, driving without a seatbelt or using an angle grinder without goggles. Some do and get away with it for decades, but the risk of injury or worse is too high to take the chance.
  20. M

    sorry its help required again!