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  1. B

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    My Biggest worry would be lack of ventilation for the bees in the broodbox, if you move full colonies they need travelling screens to ventilate and you can give them a mist of water, in that box they will just get cook, a lot of observation hives have the ability for the bees to fly as well...
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    Day at Sussex University

    BeeWeaver Apiaries in the states seem to be doing well with no treatments but with a huge initial cost in colony loss but obviously now with no varroacide bill to meet they are on the right side, not advocating it in our small country, we just do not have the space to maintain the resistant...
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    What if small hive beetle comes?

    There is a small article in ABJ showing a lady that has changed her roof covering to Lexan, an American version of the double walled plastic we use on conservatory roofs. This floods light into the hive as they have no crownboard and according to the article the beetles have disappeared but the...
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    What if small hive beetle comes?

    As they have SHB in the states and formic is used over there I presume it does not hurt the beetle whilst in the hive, someone must have tried it surely!!!!! or possibly other organic acids, just a thought. And following Chris's original post does BDI cover SHB not that I have BDI but again just...
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    Day at Sussex University

    Has anyone on here ever been and is it worth the time at this time of year, opinions please or is anyone else going? Kev
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    First reports of vast losses.

    I think that applies to most of us Dan the question is making bees/colonies or honey as making colonies has a cost as we all know. As far as those that survived, the main thing must be queen genetics, whatever queens we all use,. As for government help well I wonder if as well !!!!!!
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    Hatching Queens in a Incubator

    have you got enough mature drones around Mike? The incubator is 34.5 degrees C by the way with maximum humidity kev
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    How is the Rape looking

    I would second that statement Dan, I don't think any of us know the time and commitment involved, thanks Murray, it is appreciated. Our main crop is also OSR and I have had bad losses this year, just the season following the bad one last year.
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    First reports of vast losses.

    The trouble is that with colonies still relatively small, will they be strong enough for any nectar flows when they do come, I am looking at re building my losses and it may well be a honey crop of some sort or new colonies but not both as could be done in a normal season. Unless of course we...
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    Green Wax

    All the newer burcos are stainless but older ones were galvanised and very old ones were copper, as a kid they were always called copper boilers
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    Ben Harden Method

    When I was involved at our association apiary we had the same idea but full size hives and qx where the pipe is, the system does work as all the bees have to travel through the q/less section and cells were well provisioned, a gadget that works if you have the time, a full sized hive works just...
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    How is the Rape looking

    Some of the fields of autumn rape are being plugged and re sown with spring rape, the autumn stuff did not germinate, it just rotted other areas seem better on the chalk.
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    A Royal Appointment,organic farming.

    Totally agree HM, and he has a sense of humor that is rarely seen. I wonder if there are any bees on the estate!!!! With a very varied crop and organic the honey should be very good.
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    Varnish for poly hive frame rests

    I have bought a pallet of the Pxxxxs Nationals and they use the standard metal runners that are used in wooden ware, no mention of varnish just a couple of coats of smooth masonry paint
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    First reports of vast losses.

    I think most of us agreed that the complete cost of last summers appalling weather would not be known until all first inspections had been done. The full picture will no doubt bring forth the full picture. The press will no doubt make news of it possibly causing another surge in new beeks...
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    painting Roofs?

    Pete, Have you looked at beehive bits site, they do just the gavi covers 7.50 each, you could soon spend that on brush on short life products
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    Perhaps we should get Rob on the case direct with the importer and see if he can do any sort of deal for beefarmers, what do you think Murray, the only problems they seem to have been having with it in the US is when the temps go too high, not too much risk or that here.
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    Stolen Bees - Help!

    I have some bees in woodland, there is a sign up stating that everything is smartwater marked, is it or not the owners are the only people to know!!!!
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    Robert Russell (Russell Apiaries) Arrested.

    He must have been a bit of a fruitcake to think he could get away with it indefinitely!!!
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    Boom loader.

    "W" clips are used most of the time to fix and locate broodbox to pallet