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    A 'virtual' farm...?

    I am surprised nobody has mentioned sainfoin, when that yields the crop is unbelievable, I could sell as much as I can generate, a truly unique honey
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    But it gets tedious painting them, yo do not have to.
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    Thanks Pete, I don't have to bother with my second rate ply box pics now LOL
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    Having read a few threads on it and its use, on beesource, the main issue they are having is appying the product and then the following days temperatures being very high and causing issues, same as apiguard does at the moment, 7 day treatment and mites in brood killed as well, plus can be used...
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    I have just visited NOD apiaries new global website as advertised in ABJ it looks like the MAQ's are undergoing VMD registration anyone had anything to do with them as they say UK trials have been carried out. I know Formic can kill queens and weak colonies inits old format
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    Boom loader.

    And this one, the stand legs appear self levelling
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    Boom loader.

    Here is another DIY version
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    Crates for packages?

    Chris I found this clip by accident on youtube the package boxes appear to be h/duty cardboard but i have no idea where they come from
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    Good point Chris, it would be in our own interests to get it sorted ASAP
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    Paying us ???
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    One of my concerns is that if the number of SBI's drop or there is a bad disease outbreak, could any DASH members be called upon to work alonside the SBI's and FERA using the "we trained you so you should help" scenario. I have been told this would not occur but!!!!!
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    Micro Mating Nuc

    The best way to learn is working with someone that rears queens as a goffer, you learn a lot from watching and asking questions
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    how to rear queens?

    Totally agree with RAB but if you are a member of your local association they may have someone that rears queens that you could shadow to see how it works. Personally I did not even entertain queen rearing until I had ten full strong colonies and even then it was small scale
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    Whats the best Mini Nuc?

    Before HM replies lets have a few guesses/informed ideas of what may happen to a mini nuc to help it overwinter, he may not reply, trade secret !!!!!
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    NHS Meeting

    As I was unable to attend the meeting at the National Honey Show today, could someone fill me and anyone else that uses this section what the outcome was. I know it will probably come from David but i was just curious. Kev
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    Double nuc

    Don't bother insulating it, its wasting at least a frame space each side. The bees are more than able to control the temperature, I have these in both standard and 14x 12 format, no insulation and an eke above for feeding. Thebees will happlily overwinter without any special precautions other...
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    Crates for packages?

    what size box do you use chris or have you stuck with mikes boxes at the moment
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    Crates for packages?

    Chris Historically this coutry is used to nucs not packages, have you demand or is this an experiment, perhaps a change is what is needed.
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    My bees on TV

    Hi Mike I know Alex's brother fairly well, he has kept bees for a few years but has moved from our area, i think, so Alex has access to plenty of advice
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    Best bees for next year?

    :iagree: GOOD is the important word