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  1. Skinfaxi

    field beans

    Same as finman said I have many hectars of beans around my hives. When you walk into the fields it is usually totally quiet and no bees in sight.. But it may depend on temp and soil moisture aswell.
  2. Skinfaxi

    Amm / Native Black Bee Discussion

    Hello Imagine all beekers in UK do the bond method. Then what.. do you then put the powers in charge to manage this. How! Who!
  3. Skinfaxi

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Hello James try grow a bit someplace and get to know the plant. The seeds are cheap. It is same family as borage but it covers the soil more. You can spring or autumn sow. . Goodluck happy growing
  4. Skinfaxi

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Hello Borage is great. Have you tried phacelia tanacetifolium. It is grown as green manure or cover crop.The bees are all over it.
  5. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Yes that will really get the microbes going. Have you seen the bugs that grow in the nettle stock. Really cool
  6. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Called serpantine layer. Use bottom branches because they root better than top branches. Has to do with plant hormones
  7. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Air layers work on most woody plants. Make a few and some should take. It is one of the best ways to propergate trees etc. The only problem is we get deer eat the cuttings on the tree.
  8. Skinfaxi

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    In romney marsh it is starting to flower canola.
  9. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    how did you find getting the tomato resin from your hands? wash wash wash
  10. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    In a glass house environment you need good air flow, also keep the place clean and avoid cross contamination. remove all dead and dying leaves fruit etc. if you grow tomatoes remove bottom leaves as the trunk lengthens. you can foliar spray with kelp seaweed. use trichoderma species if needed...
  11. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    To the above comments about peat blocks. I used to have make thousands of blocks in a day session. Put them in stackable trays on pallets and then clingwrap the whole pallet or tray and stash someplace coolish. Then you can make a big batch and use as needed soonish. If you use peat base then it...
  12. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Hello I have only used big peat block machines on farm. From my work with them they work really well BUT. You need to mix the correct ratio of water to your medium. You need to work with care. You also need to place them on flat trays as the blocks will break. Water with light spray. They work...
  13. Skinfaxi

    Another witch burning

    Yes sounds like you have it all sorted.
  14. Skinfaxi

    Another witch burning

    I dont know much but in horticulture agriculture you get land race plants and animals and you get cultivated plants and animals.either for mass industial farming or open pollinated types. The production breeds have the qualities a producer needs to bring a product to market that the fussy...
  15. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    start them in modules 3 to 4 seeds per station. then plant out in a bunch. add tricoderma fungus spores to your potting soil mix to help your roots. also just make sure your seedlings do not over grow the cell trays. so plant out before they run out of nutrients in the cells or feed.
  16. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

  17. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    You have really nice garden, well done.grow anyting but grass.
  18. Skinfaxi

    Queen cage - varroa management

    What about sticking a small metal colour disk to the queens back and use a metal detector to find the queen quicker. Or paint that can be detected by metal detector on the queen.
  19. Skinfaxi

    Queen cage - varroa management

    I used amitraz once and in my area the mites seemed resistant. Very low drop levels and for many weeks. We have this problem in horticulture with red spider mites, vine weevil etc. Many are resistant to chemicals. What to do now! Stronger chem! Not sure if oxalic acid wont become non effective...