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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Sort of sweet and sour
  2. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    You may have done this. You have field cucumbers and glass house types. We usually peel the glass house types and scoop the seed meat out. I dont have a recipe to hand. Dr oetker the german spice and food company have pickled cucumber spices and recipes. But yes they are a bit softer than field...
  3. Skinfaxi

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Brambles are starting to flower in east sussex Rye Romney Marsh area. Wonder what June gap will be like
  4. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Pickelled cucumbers with mustard seed is really good. We used to use a Dr oetker starter.
  5. Skinfaxi

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    Have the biologicals had any impact on your reactions. Humira simponi
  6. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    I used to be part of bbka but personally i did not feel it was worth my while. So at least i see one benefit and thats the insurance for foul brood. Having all of a sudden find hundreds pounds and time and effort to make new frames in a hurry adda to the stress of culling or burning frames. I...
  7. Skinfaxi

    Upping the ante

    Nothing like a nice deep long drop session deep in an african kaya garden. Kids job to dig them out. Then the nice cow dung thatch hut with baby blue pain or pink. Heaven
  8. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Hello Spoke to inspector yesterday and they diagnosed really bad sac brood. So I will requeen her asap. I must say i was quite worried. Bloody bees. Thanks for your replies.
  9. Skinfaxi

    Upping the ante

    Also look wine cap stroupharia mushrooms in woodchip beds. Paul Stamets has talked about bees getting vital goodness from mushroom mycelium and the liquid that come from it. They are also good to eat.In hungary they use other mushrooms in the crop rotation. Oyster mushrooms kill and eat eal...
  10. Skinfaxi

    Upping the ante

    for Hello James I have had the privilage to work in gardens that have had regular mulching and as much continuous crop cover for over 20 years. It is really good.. it has excellent structure and the top humic soil horison is deep. The colour is dark and is has loads of earth worms. I am...
  11. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Thank you Prof. That is a relief. Anyway my bee fear has become reality. Now to learn more and sort it out. Do i need to burn all my frames or just broodframes. Can i clean or sterilise the new foundation i recently added and honey frames and use again or better not?
  12. Skinfaxi

    Upping the ante

    Hello growers Peaple seem to trivialise food production like its a job for morons. You need your calender to plan your crops. You need to know how to save time and energy by a good permaculture plan. You cant just over sow or spend not be efficient with your quantities. Mixing the beens etc is...
  13. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Hello I have emailed the regional and sbi and am waiting for a date. In our village we do have some leave alone bee peaple. And dead out hives sitting the the gardens. Also a few wild colonies. I had a few wild swarms hanging in my garden a few weeks ago.
  14. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Hello Finman In my limited experience i have noticed. I have a bad line of queens that i think all need to be replaced. The other sister of this queen with foul brood had sac brood a few weeks ago.i did replace her, now sac brood gone. Another colonie from this line is quite agro and stingy. I...
  15. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Thank you for all your replies.
  16. Skinfaxi

    EFB and culling

    Hello Just a question about culling a colony with euro foul brood. I have contacted SBI but dont want to wait to long before this spreads. I had about 6 cells with foul brood. I do not want to mess with shaking bees Around my other colonies this could spead spores etc outside the hive. I have...
  17. Skinfaxi

    Nettle Beer

    Hello Great thank you for information.
  18. Skinfaxi

    Nettle Beer

    Hello What yeast do you use?
  19. Skinfaxi

    Honey with added CBD

    Cannabis is has been and always will be food medicine clothing no matter your ideology.
  20. Skinfaxi

    Plans for planting

    Try nemasys Which nematodes are most suitable for use on black vine weevil larvae? Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema feltiae are both excellent at combating the larvae of the black vine weevil. We recommend Steinernema feltiae for soil temperatures below 16°C, and Heterorhabditis...