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  1. Skinfaxi

    Will mites become resistant to oxalic acid?

    With the brood break method discussed by i think Prof Ralph Buchler you have two interventions. The first is 25 days brood break that must in my opinion disrupt the mites livecycle and then oxalic acid..
  2. Skinfaxi

    Will mites become resistant to oxalic acid?

    With plants you target pests in different ways. different chemicals hormones to biological to physical control. Oils like neem oil smother the target or make it difficult to moves. Predatory wasps etc. I used to manage a high health site for strawberries and raspberries. Chemicals where rotated...
  3. Skinfaxi

    days of yore

    Nicola Tesla had the answers with free electrcity generators ,but the bosses could not have that. Because everything must have a meter on it and cost the slave his life force. The bosses raided his house and stole all his blueprints robbing humanity of this geniuses gift to us.
  4. Skinfaxi

    The Effectiveness of OA Vaping

    Cage your queen 25 days , then vape I just vaped mine twice and brood less in a dearth. Amitraz for me is useless. One or two mites drop. Then vape and loads drop.
  5. Skinfaxi

    God I love growing our own

    Apple schnaps is really good. Hello to the old country
  6. Skinfaxi

    Honey price

    Same place you get yours.. just knock twice wink wink ask for big joe right. May be honey is a luxury product. Like caviar ,champange, fancy cars, truffles. Mind you a kg of gourmet mushrooms sell £200 kg. I harvested really good chicken of the woods recently and it was heaven to eat. Would have...
  7. Skinfaxi

    Honey price

    when the corn syrup price increases honey price will increase
  8. Skinfaxi

    Honey price

    So would honey be Worth £60 to £80 per kg.
  9. Skinfaxi

    Honey price

    Yes i understand your point with cheap 15% honey market compaired to 100% pure from the comb honey.But on the lable stands honey on both, alot of peaple are clueless about this. whats to stop anyone adulterating 100% honey with corn syrup locally. But at the end of the day what is it really...
  10. Skinfaxi

    Honey price

    Who knows with things how they are going between uk warlords and china warlords. Soon may have trade embargo against china and maybe hopefully the honey flavoured stuff wont be imported anymore, thus saving uk honey farmers
  11. Skinfaxi

    Wet supers returned to hive and then...?

    Hello Why do you not try caging the queens and vaping 25 days later. Easy simple if you only have a few colonies its ok. I have used amitraz once on a few colonies and only a few mites dropped. Never again. When i vaped loads dropped.
  12. Skinfaxi

    Selling honey from the hives in the UK

    Yes last year was windy rainy and very cold . Almoat justvwinter all year..No honey sad sad sad.
  13. Skinfaxi

    First sting

    Who feels it knows it
  14. Skinfaxi

    intoxicated bear in Turkey

    My grandfather lived on the wild kavango river delta Namibia. He and some locals getting a lift with him got attacked by a elephant as they were cruising on sandy soil and just a diff lock. The starter was broken and hardly worked. He was driving on a bush road in thick bush All of a sudden a...
  15. Skinfaxi

    Uncapping knife versus uncapping fork.

    But on older wax cappings it takes a bit longer or scratch with fork as the wax reseals. But fresh white cappings pop off very quick.
  16. Skinfaxi

    Uncapping knife versus uncapping fork.

    Heat gun works well
  17. Skinfaxi

    intoxicated bear in Turkey

    In africa the baboons and elephants get drunk from eating fermented marula fruit.
  18. Skinfaxi

    What is the best OA vaporiser?

    Just make sure you get the right filters. From safety supply
  19. Skinfaxi

    What is the best OA vaporiser?

    Climax Class 2 DIN Silicone Full Face Mask for use with 725 Filters - [CL-731-S] - (LP) - (NICE) CODE CL-731-S
  20. Skinfaxi

    What is the best OA vaporiser?

    Please remember that you are applying agri protection products. You need to see cosshh regulations PPE regulations and other pesticide regs in in uk. It seems strange the law in uk. Some must have a pesticide license and are under the full threat of the law. Then regular joe can do as they...