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  1. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    Our local farmer agent orange just sprayed this close to me the whole area stinks of chemical and burns the nose. Dont seem anyone to worried about him and many others driving about in a 10 000l spray can. Wonder if any residues can be found here mmm
  2. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

  3. Skinfaxi

    This year's honey price

    Yes you may be right, but i dont have the financial resiliance to drop regular horticulture clients to go chance it at a local farmers market and see what happens. I am of the working poor in this country and a day off or sick has serious financial consequences. My morgage has doubled our food...
  4. Skinfaxi

    This year's honey price

    Thank you. I am very excited with this move to a more rural area that is very passionate about food, family and community. yes Patricks site is fine. Just another 100 jars to go. But thats agiculture. I used to sell organic local produce at a few farmers markets in the area. Even though I had...
  5. Skinfaxi

    This year's honey price

    Yes please come and try to sell your honey in our area for £10 a jar. It will be there a very long time. Most retailers here sell for £5 to 6 a jar. 25 jars take 3 months to sell. Not all areas are the same. Price and value are not the same thing. And knowing the difference is important. My add...
  6. Skinfaxi

    This year's honey price

    Yes this is my add. I am moving home in a few weeks and its better than going into the tip site. But you would be surprised that peaple still want discount. In my area with some of the richest peaple Earth our local shops only sell a few jars a month at maximum £6 retail. So i was sitting with...
  7. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    The media is going to love selling fear and terror, especially to so many peaple really scared of nature or anything thats not wrapped in plastic or sterile..
  8. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    Atcthe moment goverment departments are understaffed Wilco is stating what the official law says. Now i put frontline on my dog and he jumps into open water. Cross contamination. What about that. Now x by thousands of dogs.
  9. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    Y You are right by the letter of the law. I hold a pa9 spray ticket or powered knapsack. The law in the uk is quite in detailed but the reality is that no body but a few bother with it. The reaity is that corporate agri spray toxins into water ways over areas where dogs and peaple walk and over...
  10. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    I have a question, would the limited genetics in the european group of AHornets not get weak over time.
  11. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    As a horticulturalist that hates chemicals.i dont really see the problem with fibrinol to kill hornets. It is used on our pets ( alot worse ) so how can it be so bad used in controlled small amounts. considering the enviromental impact the Asian hornets will have on ecology and agriculture and...
  12. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets

    I am sure you would get some FPV pilots who would love this
  13. Skinfaxi

    Planning a new strategy next year…

    They are doubles and full of bees. I am also still on my path of experience. I find some colonies only need one brood box. It has pros and cons like in the winter bottom box gets a bit wet and mouldy. But spring time it buys me some time if the weather is really bad. They still want to swarm but...
  14. Skinfaxi

    Planning a new strategy next year…

    I run double 14x 12. They are good early in the season growth. If the weather is bad and cant check them it helps.Also i find the queen lays in the top box and the bees store lots of pollin nectar in the bottom box. A 14x12 box full of honey will push your body to its limits. It must weigh 50kg...
  15. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets...

    Question about bio engineering. Who has done it succesfully and with what and why, excluding crops etc. I dont feel any trust in really dodgy bio corporations. What about simple down to earth humans making a decent plan and implementing it. Just waiting for the corporate state to sort it is...
  16. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets...

    With greater knowledge comes greater responsiblity..more is the chance of corruption. May seem a bit like when we had LP s and CDs were said to be better. Keep things simple. The greater you push the dendulum .... What can be done now, with what we know and have?
  17. Skinfaxi

    Asian Hornets...

    Hello Just a thought. Even if you kill all the asian hornets in the uk. More of them will still keep coming over from europe, be it wind direction, ferries etc. Hopefully the state and population have the resources to find a good solution and keep on with it. Goodday
  18. Skinfaxi

    Sold Honey clearance sale

    Closing down sale. I am moving soon and still have about 450kg of honey from this year and last year. Have about 180kg in buckets and 800 x 340g filled hex jars with no lable . Due to my house sale i would like to sell it asap. £4 per kg in buckets and jars £1,75 each. Buyer pick up near...
  19. Skinfaxi


    Yes i did stcw95 safety at sea.the fire fire fighting classes i really enjoyed. We also put breathing tanks on and they filled a few containers completly with foam and had to manuvour through it all. Respect to real fire fighters, they are tough.
  20. Skinfaxi


    You can use gum boots and fill them with water. Fresh cool tap water. Used to do it when working in glasshouses. Also start early. Goodday