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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    I had one colony just disappear on me last winter 3 frames of dead brood plenty of stores and not one bee left in hive dead or alive
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    Any use for old tumble dryer?

    Or maybe Dump the fukn thing
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    Abelo poly hive, old style v new.

    No stoppers came with them , I cant see the need for extra entrances on brood boxes
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    Abelo poly hive, old style v new.

    I got a delivery of abelo brood boxes it's my first time buying there national poly . Why do the brood boxes have a hole on 2 sides ?
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    Shopping list 😁

    I always do 🙄
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    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    I got a load of pitch pine flooring off a job I'm working on nice timber 7x1 just ran a piece trough the planer thicknesser, will make some roofs floors and supers outta this
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    Abelo Flash sale & others

    Ordered 8 brood boxes code worked
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did last round of feeding nucs some have stopped taking it down all hives strapped up for winter
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    Your Xmas wishlist

    I really enjoyed reading honey by the ton.
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    Beekeeping reflections

    78kg for real!! That's ridiculous . How much do the mediums weigh
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    Beekeeping reflections

    I'm debating whether to add commercial or Langstroths Worker cells in lang 61,000 commercial is 70,000
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    Swarm Management

    Demaree is a great method I used it this season on several colonies
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    The mechanism of colonies -- QE

    Interesting How often do you inspect your hives and let's say you have 3 or 4 boxes on a hive what's your form of inspection regime
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did the last round of feeding today, it's one thing I hate about beekeeping all the feeding! Did another round of vaping
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Why do you leave it so late in year for taking supers off ?
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    Does abelo have winter sales I want to get some poly hives to try out
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    Western Red Cedar

    The cedar has gotten too expensive here for me to make my own hives now iv really enjoyed making my own hives but its going to be 2nds from here on out
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    Wildflower meadows

    There is an old gravel pit up the road from me has alot of wild flowers, is there anything else I could seed there to be beneficial for my bees ?
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    Beekeepers Professions

    I'm 38 living in co wicklow, carpenter joiner since the age of 15 .started beekeeping 3 years ago looking after 50 hives now got bee fever