I know colm . he can be a little blunt and gets to the point but he knows his bees .. he has a good queen rearing operation with great genetics nice gentle bees .
What hive format are you using standard brood ?
Probably not enough bees in there to keep the hive temperature correct . Were they late splits by any chance
I have no reason to lie nothing to gain by doing so . I will admit that one out of 6 apiaries in wicklow last season was getting crossbreeding on some queens ...
I hope you enjoyed the wicklow mountains its a great place to holiday ..
My plywood nucs are 4 or 5 years old still in good nick .. the roofs are very deep which saves the ply boxes from the weather. I painted the roofs 3 times but i must admit they will need replacing in a couple of year
Very informative
Thank you
I will need a change in system
Currently running 50 colonies want to expand to 100 next year .. i have been using demaree but is time consuming. Tried alot of colonies on double brood this season which helped swarming
Do you just let them build up on spring flow and add supers for summer flow if not on early crops such as osr ..whats your method of swarm control while dealing with 3 brood boxes ?
I tried a little experiment last winter
All my hives (50) are on stands with OMF
I left the inspection tray in full on half my colonies and had no inspection tray on the other half
There was no difference on the colonies come spring i had no winter losses apart from 4 nucs
I have had to add supers to half my colonies i was going around pulling out frames of stores and adding foundation which was a lost cause with the massive ivy flow thats on now ..
Looks like ill have alot of ivy to sell this year