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  1. A

    Swarm in hive roof

    thanks Drex, I will leave them to it
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    Swarm in hive roof

    thanks again for all the information, the bees are now happily homed in a 6 frame wooden nuc. they currently cover 2 frames which are mostly brood with a small amount of pollen and honey. brood is in all stages from egg to sealed and I have spotted the queen. they all seem clear f parasites ans...
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    Swarm in hive roof

    thanks again, you have given me a plan, I shall make up some frames for the nuc plus a super to hold the feeder, then suite up and get on with the job. Im sure by the end of it they will be safely installed in a box of some form. thanks for wanting to help, if I get stuck I will track down the...
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    Swarm in hive roof

    A little scared ? maybe ? I guess I just need to be more confident with them. I will get all the bits together and get stuck in and move them thank you for the advice its very much appreciated
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    Swarm in hive roof

    thanks enrico, last time I opened the hive they were very reluctant to be shaken off the inside of the roof. assuming I move any comb they have and the queen if I can spot her to the nuc positioned where the hive was, then any bees left in the opened and moved hive will return to the original...
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    Swarm in hive roof

    thanks Enrico & drex yes most definitely honey bees. I do have an empty 5 frame Nuc, with a solid floor. I have ordered new frames and foundation so can make up new broad frames to put in. do I move any comb they have built with them ? I can make up an eke to put a feeder under the roof if...
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    Swarm in hive roof

    morning all, newbie here so please be gentle. have had a national hive with old drawn frames in the garden, the other weekend I noticed activity around the hive, it continued for a few days so I took a cautiouse look and foung a small grapefruit size swarm in the roofspace, no plugs in...