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  1. J

    Possible drone laying queen

    I suspect a done laying queen in a weak colony. There is about 4 frames of bees and I can see a queen, she is new from a superceder cell late last season. There is a small spattering of drone brood on two frames. Is there any point in putting a frames of eggs from another hive into them?
  2. J

    Caught my own swarm... advice

    Great guys thanks for advice..I had 2 brood frames of Foundation in the 6 frame nuc box when I shook them in should I fill this with more Foundation and should I feed them after they come home?? Thanks again
  3. J

    Caught my own swarm... advice

    Hi All One of my hives swarmed today😥 (beginner error ! I'm sure) But after settling in a field nextdoor on a branch of an elder ye in the hedgerow I was able to shake it cleanly into a nuc box. After a while i put on the lid and they were all fanning at the door and other bees entering through...
  4. J

    swarm cell advice

    This is my 2nd hive which also arrived on 26th April this one always looked a bit stronger than hive 1 and had a yellow marked queen which was also clipped. The seller told me the Q was 2018 ? Anyway all was good i was doing weekly inspections and no sign of QC etc and i also put my first...
  5. J

    Possible Supersedure ??

    Beginners help and advice please. First year got two nucs end of April... this hive possible swarmed around the end of may as i discovered 6 capped QC's on the 25th May. I removed all but one which did emerge on the 31st May. Didn't see any sign of eggs until the 27th June which i was delighted...
  6. J

    QC advice please

    Thanks Bill for the advice..I will leave them be
  7. J

    QC advice please

    Thanks Eric will do.
  8. J

    QC advice please

    I'm a beginner 1st year so probably like to just stick with the three for now until I gain more experience. Thanks J
  9. J

    QC advice please

    On inspecting hive today which started as a 6 frame nuc on 26th April...I found 1 X capped QC on the middle of the frame and one open QC on the bottom of the frame (I removed the open one ) there was a load of capped brood on about 7 to 8 frames some larvae and a small amount of fresh eggs...