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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Various Items for Sale

    hi db pm means private message top right under your name
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    No eggs

    hi susbees to get rid of magpies you want to build a larson trap.
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    i called my mate straight away and he came over and caught the fox returning to get the last remaining duck.
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    certainly a dog fox feeding cubs i had 3 call ducks killed last thursday, my work college took care of him.
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    anybody fancy a pint
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    Pub is open

    pubs open early tonite
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    Just sat and watched

    mine too, put more fondant in one hive and sat there and watched.
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    dry martini
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    anybody not watching the football fancy a chin wag
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    1 luxury allowed in your bee box, what?

    magnifying glass
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    Video, how to make fondant.

    nice video rosti try to make some this weekend.
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    beekeepers arms

    anybody fancy a drink my round.
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    first nuc attempt

    well done jallen nice nuc better than i would of done.
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    anybody fancy a little tipple
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    beekeepers arms on chat
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    anybody fancy a pint?
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    queens age

    Thanks everyone that has help quite alot.
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    size of nuc box

    Hi everyone What size nuc is the best 3,5,or 6,frames
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    getting a nuc box.

    Hi everyone As i have only two colonies is it worth me getting a nuc box. and setting up a nucleus.
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    queens age

    Hi everyone, Happy new year. I dont know if this question has been asked before how long does a queen live.