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  1. T

    Dead Queen but no emergency cells

    All very helpful Thank you everybody for the replies. Very kind and very helpful. As the bees didn't draw emergency cells when they could have, then perhaps it's just that the Q is taking a break. I did as suggested and put in a frame from another hive with eggs. We'll see.
  2. T

    Dead Queen but no emergency cells

    Thanks Michael.
  3. T

    Dead Queen but no emergency cells

    Thank you Enrico. I'll try that. But I'm curious why they didn't try to make a new queen as they had eggs. I've amended my first post to include a photo of the eggs.
  4. T

    Dead Queen but no emergency cells

    First time ever I found and marked Q (hatched 5 weeks earlier and laying beautifully). Worried whether I released her too soon before ink fully dry. She got a lot of attention on release. A week later I didn't see her (didn't look too hard) but there's larvae though maybe none very small...
  5. T

    New Queen swarmed after 10 days

    Thanks Buzzlodge and Ian. I hadn't thought of the Q being killed. Still, I think there should hardly be sealed QCs 6 days later (??). Ian123 makes good point that she seemed to be in action pretty quickly. Makes me wonder whether there might have been a QC there at the time of the split (30...
  6. T

    New Queen swarmed after 10 days

    In a new split a new queen emerged about 13 June (plus or minus a couple of days). On 28 June it seems I missed seeing eggs/larvae because on 4 July (6 days later) I find sealed brood, larger larvae but no eggs or small larvae. AND I found several charged QCs and two sealed QCs. She had plenty...