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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. D

    Honey never cleared and had turned into soft set

    First harvest of honey this year so I've got a question. Despite filtering, settling and warming my honey never cleared, and now it's in jars it's set (very nicely it must be said). Is this due to particular nectars the bees are taking? There are lots of brambles about in particular...
  2. D

    How much honey to leave?

    I bet this is asked a dozen times a year, but I'm struggling to find answers on the internet. Given an average colony size is a full super of honey per brood box a reasonable amount to leave the bees (additional feeding if required aside). Is it too much, to little or about right? Cheers Dave
  3. D

    supersedure cell?

    Thanks for the help. By this morning the Queen cell had been capped and a few others had sprung up. Luckily the Queen had not departed so i was able to do an artificial swarm. Fingers crossed.
  4. D

    supersedure cell?

    I've come to ask the same question. I've found two occupied queen cells at the top of a frame today. There are a few unoccupied queen cups scattered about the brood box. This is the first year I've had the bees - I moved them from a nuc to the hive in early April and they have one brood box...