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  1. J

    Poor Start

    There is no paint internally, I didn't paint it myself so i don't know what type of paint was used. I don't think any other preservative has been used.
  2. J

    Poor Start

    The original hive was new, cedar, but had been painted, maybe they didn't like the paint? The hive they are in now is second hand, I hadn't got around to scorching or otherwise cleaning it but the seller was confident he'd had no disease in it. I will leave them a week then have a look.
  3. J

    Poor Start

    Definitely not overcrowded, bees only covering 4/5 sides. Definitely no queen cells. The hive was new/ unused. They abandoned the brood and left the box empty, just a few very young bees remaining. I was lucky and managed to catch the queen on top of the box before she flew. I put my spare...
  4. J

    Poor Start

    Hello everyone, Yesterday I collected my first Nuc and installed the five frames alongside foundation frames into my hive (just one standard brood box). All seemed to go well no drama. Today all seemed well, the bees were in and out all day until 14.30 when they swarmed, any ideas why? Regards...