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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Aldi Sugar

    Same price Lidl and Farmfoods
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    Frame Assembly

    I tried nailing upwards but found that the pins I had protruded slightly through the surface of the top bar. These were a fingertip snag. I now nail horizontally using a rampin.
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    Hoping to make a wax melter

    Double Glazed Units in Solar Wax Melter Been there. Done that. I found that the inner sheet always cracks in strong sunlight. Stresses.
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    Hoping to make a wax melter

    I rather fancy making a Pargyle still Kingspan solar melter. I'm trying to figure out how to stop the glass sliding down when the melter is tilted or blowing off in a summer gale. Ideas ?
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    With the dry cold, non-flying weather I took the opportunity to apply a coat of preservative to the outside of a couple of occupied hives.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I'm waiting for one of the Yorkshire keeps to find out how to make a vapourizer from a 12v tea maker that plugs into a car cigarette lighter.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Cold with hail and sleet. Didn't disturb the bees. Took a box of cleaned up frames and comb to the apiary. Returned with a box to be cleaned. Noticed a few winter aconites ..... encouraging.
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    which direction?

    An alternative Beginners course Wednesdays, March 30 to May 3 in Hebden Bridge. Contact is Phil Gee
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    National Beehive Count ..... Hmmmm.

    Thank you, Alldigging for the reply to my thread. The link you gave was handy to find out the number of hives and the funding allocated in each member state. It was interesting to see that over a third of the EU hives are in 3 countries, ES (Spain ?), RO (Romania ?) and FR (France ?). I wonder...
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    National Beehive Count ..... Hmmmm.

    I have received an email from Beebase/NBU asking me to take part in the pilot for this scheme. I gather from the thread "Log into Beebase" that I am not the only one. I am still thinking about this pilot. Any thoughts ?
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    Frame Assembly

    Just another view. I like to soak the tops of the side bars in water for a few minutes. It's supposed to stop them splitting when pushed into the top bar. With nail only frames. I found that the top/side joint shrank with time and when it came to replacing the foundation I had a wobbly frame...
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    wanted frames

    I was thinking of Cragg Vale, Mythomroyd.
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    wanted frames

    Big T's sale is for seconds. I would suggest that a beginner goes for standard quality frames to start with. With seconds you have to cope with knots, hidden hard layers and maybe a twisted frame at the end. There is a T's agent only a few miles from Bacup.
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    I have looked at a few US videos of washboarding. I noticed that the bees on the front of the hive faced down towards the entrance. Bees on the sloping alighting board face towards the entrance. Bees on the vertical front of the alighting board face downwards (away from the entrance). During...
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    1st migraine at 43...I think

    Interesting that this thread was started at this time of year. Rich and unusual foods and drinks. Can also be stressful.
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    Apiary/Hive Pictures

    May I suggest that you strap or rope your hive to the hive stand ? If the hive gets blown or pushed over it will fall as a unit. There is less chance of the bees or queen dying before your next visit.
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    Castellated Spacers

    I prefer full depth castellations. The top of the castellation lines up with the frame top bar upper surface. With bottom bee space hives, the top of the castellation lines up with the height of the side of the super. This helps me to position the castellation. I have moved to castellations in...
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    Castellated Spacers

    It may be worthwhile to check the internal measurements of the supers. With recent castellations I have had to trim the ends to get a flat fit in the super.
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    Keeping Bees on an Allotment

    A couple of my local allotment associations had financial benefit from having bees amongst the other plots. Grants were obtained for fencing, hives, bees and all. The projects folded and the colonies were sold off.
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    How to store surplus honey

    I use re-cycled food grade 5 litre plastic buckets. My buckets have an internal flat bottom. I find the flat bottom makes it easier to clean out the last of the honey. NO !!! ..... I'm not from Yorkshire