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  1. F

    What is your swarm plan for this season?

    Which method of a Snelgrove did you use? I used modified method 2 and liked it despite it seeming implausible leaving queen cells with the queen. Also good if you're in a rush and don't have time to find the queen.
  2. F

    Shrub Id

    Lol I would need to have the original pic! I'm stumped
  3. F

    Shrub Id

    Millet - the like that garden app is pretty effective at id. You just take a picture which it matches with its database.
  4. F

    Dead Hives

    My thoughts as well Ericha. The OP also mentions drones - could have had a poorly mated queen and the colony dwindled.
  5. F

    Interesting and very informative read on winter losses.

    Thanks - sounds familiar description to many recent posts on here.
  6. F

    Spring Pollen Pictures

    Must be very satisfying seeing them on your own plants
  7. F

    Winter on brood and half

    I'm not lecturing just stating an opinion - big difference. If your life is too short then why bother commenting on a post you're not interested in. I wasn't saying the two were the same just that to me nadir means below
  8. F

    Fields of OSR coming in to flower

    Pete D the difference in weather between North Norfolk and North Bucks last year! This beekeeping lark is so localised.
  9. F

    Winter on brood and half

    Oh I love definitional stuff! I would argue that the term is a nadired shallow whether it's for movement of stores or brooding for brood and half. It just a shallow under the brood...
  10. F

    Fields of OSR coming in to flower

    Depends on variety looks like pigeons have held it in check. Based on that growth at this stage in my area I would say mid to end April, possibly later depending on weather in next month
  11. F

    Fields of OSR coming in to flower

    The fact that there are bangers there would suggest it is although the first photo doesn't look like the correct plant spacing - shouldn't be rows between plants, should be a dense mass. 99% sure it is though by the second photo and quantity grown (4 fields)
  12. F

    Fields of OSR coming in to flower

    Looking at how much set really hard, I would estimate last year 50 lbs extracted but did get caught with some supers that had set which have gone on a couple of colonies this year - hopefully cleared over winter.
  13. F

    Winter on brood and half

    Growing ever popular on this forum - although comes with risks because people often leave it too late in season and bees do not have time to move it up. A buddy of mine bruised his super of stores in late Sept thinking they would move it - instead it fermented and killed them. I prefer to keep...
  14. F

    Fields of OSR coming in to flower

    It's a funny old season - 6 weeks ago the OSR looked really strong but recently it's slowed down. It yields for me.
  15. F

    Newbie, about to jump in to the deep end

    I would hope at £300 it's a full sized colony! Although if it's strong - which it should be if it's been sold to you - then you will need to take a quick learning curve if the spring is good and they build up quickly.
  16. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Depends where you were, last year was not bad for me on getting queens mated. Wet summer of 2012 now that was a bad one! Although not counting my chickens until I know all this years have come through and laying still
  17. F

    Winter on brood and half

    Shallow box underneath the brood box
  18. F

    Tasks you wish you had walked away from.

    Shame the thought was there from him just little application! Don't get down, will always be more swarms and more cut outs - one thing you can rely on!
  19. F

    Tasks you wish you had walked away from.

    Any decent comb with honey in you could salvage?
  20. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Dense fog first thing so no trouble blocking up entrance (not a bee in sight) strapping up and shifting to new apiary site. Fairly relaxed hum coming from inside so the 20 min journey doesn't appear to have unsettled them too much Pleased that have seen all colonies flying in numbers over the...