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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Noisy bees

    Mite not have a queen?
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    Heated honey

    Thanks all
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    Heated honey

    Any comments welcome... I used a stainless steel table boiling plate to render down my frames which had crystallised with honey in. Is this honey safe to feed back to the bees? Thanks
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    Just a Thought about Clipping the Queens Wings...

    Is this your image nice shoot
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    Starting 'em young

    Thorns sale £30 I got one for my 5 year old not the best but ok for him
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    keeping dead queens

    Queen Juice - Queen Juice is made by taking all your old and or unused virgin queens and placing them in alcohol. The reason this works is because of the Queen Mandibular Pheromone. Queen Juice - Queen Juice is made by taking all your old and or unused virgin queens and placing them in...
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    keeping dead queens

    I think you can put them in a bate hive with wax as a swarm lure some one will let me know if I'm rong
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    OSR Watch

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    Thanks I culled her today and planed to put a queen in a butler cage tomorrow in to hive.
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    I have a hive witch her HM is a bit mix up and laying worker and drome 50 50 wot would you do ?
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    First super full

    Nice one Its a good start
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    First bees picked up tonight

    Welcome and happy beekeeping
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    OSR Watch

    All my hive are now on a field just going into flower now!
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    Bees in Cavity Wall

    :iagree::iagree:: If I lived ner by I'd offer to do a cut out
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    Check the price out, Ouch!!!

    Ok Pete il take you up on your ofer than are you shoe can you pm me your ser name and il send you over order as soon as I've orders my bits
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    Check the price out, Ouch!!!

    Pete thanks again for your ofer just look at map your a bout 2 h from me do you every pass by the A1 I mite see if wife will let me go up or fined some one ner buy how is going.?
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    Check the price out, Ouch!!!

    Ok thanks so much for the ofer Pete your so right are the prices you quoted from thrones thanks gaine
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    Check the price out, Ouch!!!

    Thanks for the advice Pete it come from with in beds I just like to now wot a good price to pay and it look like there's only 2 to 3 box weth buying the rest is fire wood I think