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  1. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Had a quick peek at the home apiary today and they were flying in large numbers. So many that they got the wifes washing the little watsits. Still 10 of them will be going to an out apiary soon.
  2. T

    Melting brood wax

    Old brood box, wallpaper steamer and big heavy sheet for insulation. It cooks away while I am doing other things. The manky frames nearly always get thrown out if they are 2 or more years old but none of the wax gets wasted, I hardly buy any foundation these days as it all goes for exchange at...
  3. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked yesterday and one hive down out of 16 - Not one that I had thought might have problems but it was late being treated last year so possible mite load or failed q. The couple that were weakish seem to be going great so what do I know!
  4. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Waded through 6 inches of water and mud to put fondant on. 38mm today so far near Chichester and fed up with it.
  5. T

    How bad is it

    I always find the late winter bees have the worst sting of the lot. Anti - histamines are a good idea.
  6. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    What a change today. The home apiary is in a nice sheltered spot out of the worst of the wind and the girls were out in their thousands today, clouds of them. Lovely to see.
  7. T

    Pollen sub

    I have used it for the first time this year purely as an emergency feed. We only had the first week of October rain free here, p ing ever since so no Ivy pollen or much pollen at all from the usual sources. We have many willows here which usually provide an abundant source early on but only one...
  8. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Had a gander to see if they were nibbling the pollen patties put on earlier in the week and yes they are. Very little pollen in the hives due to wet autumn (no ivy pollen) and no sign of pussy willow yet but a bit of sunshine will fix that. If it ever turns up that is.
  9. T

    Large numbers of colonies

    Good management although everyone will have their own idea of what it constitutes! For me new q every year, selected from my own stocks that have a low swarming index among other things. My out apiary is some way away so I visit only once a fortnight, so far so good fingers crossed! For me...
  10. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    70 - 80mph winds and the bees are trying to fly. Another trait to watch for when q rearing - stupidity!
  11. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I had a wander up to the hives through the mud as usual this year, stores are going down but no panic needed just yet. I have also been assessing the hives for q rearing this year and am glad to see that my 2 candidates for propagation are doing very well. Out of 16 I will probably cull 2 if...
  12. T

    two year panic tips on handling frames

    Turning frames was like walking to me before I read this. Now I have to think about it before I do it and life is a nightmare!:icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
  13. T

    Trickle treatment in late January good or bad practice?

    Down here on the balmy (barmy?) south coast I have been monitoring my hives and as far as I can reasonably tell without pulling the hives apart there has been virtually no brood break this year. With temps rarely below 5c at night and often a lot higher they just keep on brooding but I vaped...
  14. T

    icing sugar

    Randy Oliver quotes on his website that 'it's what you know for sure that keeps you from learning'. Excellent bit of advice!
  15. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Darker uncappings toward the centre of the cluster, lighter to the edges (stores). Fairly consistent over 16 hives, although without pulling the hive apart which I am not going to do it is only an educated guess. Also the temps this year have been very warm, we have only had 2 frosts to speak of...
  16. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A smoker is useful to stop bees getting crushed but that's about it. Smoke invariably drives the bees away from where you puff it so why stick it in the entrance unless you want them all on top of the hive when you open it? As for trying to find a queen just put it away. I use mine so little...
  17. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yes it is and a cracking piece of kit it is too. I don't have to think about power supplies with it at the moment as with a rather long extension lead I can reach all 16 hives but next year 10 will be moving to an out apiary so a small genny or inverter will be on the cards. I checked the...
  18. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Got home from work early enough to use the provap in anger. 16 hives in no time at all , brilliant piece of kit. Observations - don't skimp on the safety gear, I got the fumes back once or twice and didn't notice a thing thanks to the decent mask and goggles. Residue from the api bioxal, yes...
  19. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Treated myself/the bees to a provap. Watch out mites!
  20. T

    Votes Please

    Done and the very best of luck. If you still want some honey let me know.