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  1. psafloyd

    Votes Please?

    Yes, do update it or people will think it's an old one.
  2. psafloyd

    Honey testing

    OK, that's a good idea.
  3. psafloyd

    Votes Please?

    Done. Looks like your website needs some updates as all the pics I saw were from 2013. Best of luck with the competition –-let us know how it goes.
  4. psafloyd

    County Association Pins

    Have a look at this page, Michael. It has the EBKA pin on it.
  5. psafloyd

    Honey testing

    Hmmm. :nono: Eric, I would say it is not dead easy at all. I found it impossible when I did a microscopy course last year. I didn't identify one from the damned book... :icon_204-2:
  6. psafloyd

    Propolis and other 'products'

    Yes, I must have missed that, too.
  7. psafloyd

    First honey harvest.

    Two things, Webby. 1) Don't sell it all. 2) Don't sell it too cheaply. If you sell it all, it's probably –-but not always –-too cheap. Otherwise, congratulations and best of luck with the chestnut. That makes for lovely honey when there's a lot about.
  8. psafloyd

    Honey from different colonies question

    Very rarely would I bother. But if you're extracting, do it by super and you may get 30lb from one –-enough to fill a small bucket –-so you can just open the gate and fill it before doing the next one. Sometimes it is worth doing, but usually it's just a PITA.
  9. psafloyd

    Top bar hive –-introducing eggs

    Thanks for the suggestion.
  10. psafloyd

    Top bar hive –-introducing eggs

    Kenyan in this case, Bingevader, though I have a couple of Warrés not currently being used, so I'll bear that in mind for the future. Many thanks.
  11. psafloyd

    Top bar hive –-introducing eggs

    Thanks, Madasafish. I had wondered about doing something like that.
  12. psafloyd

    Top bar hive –-introducing eggs

    Thanks, Finman.
  13. psafloyd

    Top bar hive –-introducing eggs

    OK, I know TBHs are not the most popular on here, but I am using one for the first time this year and have a problem/query. I used the hive to house a healthy swarm that alighted in my apiary just before my holiday. I left the QE board near the entrance until they became used to it, but then...
  14. psafloyd

    Legal Label?

    Don't think you need "pure" and not sure there is a definition in the UK for "raw", is there? On a slightly more pedantic note, are you not extracting this from the frames? In which case, it is not STRAIGHT from the hives. And no doubt there ill be a degree of filtering. Also, if it is...
  15. psafloyd


  16. psafloyd


    I had a call from Romford Police Station yesterday, requesting I come and remove a swarm of bees from their yard. The man calling was not impressed that a) I was unavailable and b) I wouldn't collect it as a step ladder job, so had to put him on to someone else. I didn't think at the time...
  17. psafloyd

    Beekeepers practices encourage the spread of varroa

    I thought the same when I saw this piece.
  18. psafloyd

    Is this theaft? Help!!!!

    Then perhaps you should have resolved this problem first –-if only by starting formal proceedings against him to recover your money –-and then you wouldn't have the current issue with the bees. Probably best left to get your old man to approach the landowner to demand access to his bees, as he...
  19. psafloyd

    Is this theaft? Help!!!!

    Yes, that is a nice one.
  20. psafloyd

    Do you keep your hives together or spread them out?

    I wish I had the space for that.