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  1. W

    Question for local assoc members only please

    yes oxfordshire list gets sent with membership letter
  2. W

    moving bees urgent advice needed

    I like to move hives first thing in the morning but that is first light, normally as cool as it gets and gets over the warm evening problem. mind you with todays breeze they might all be in tonight
  3. W

    Swarm In Supers !

    without doubting you are you sure its a swarm and not robbing of the supers
  4. W


    We have an old queen due to be replaced this year, on inspection there are charged queen cells. If we remove the old queen and place her in a mini nuc at another apiary site, reducing the worker bee loss from the colony are there any negatives to this. I know effectively the colony will still...
  5. W

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    is it a trick question as you only have 3!
  6. W

    Bruising stores

    I have 3 colonys on 14x12 all with 7 or more frames of brood, the other frames are near enough full with stores. I understand the removing stores and replacing with foundation point, however if I were to super with undrawn foundation and bruise the majority of the stores will this stimulate...
  7. W


    Dust mask and extractor, WRC dust is some of the worse!
  8. W

    bright orange pollen

    i have the same in west oxon, there is lots of oldmans beard about?
  9. W

    Recommended Varroa Floor

    http://************************/files/diy_open_mesh_floor-graham-white.pdf click then google search it and it will appear! maybe these are where the issues lay. i made two myself but being new hadnt...
  10. W

    Recommended Varroa Floor

    i think the basis of this design floor is on the bbka website, will check now to be sure
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    queen flight

    rab if information is sparse please ask for the extra information you need
  12. W

    queen flight

    I made two nucs 3 1/2 weeks ago, checked yesterday for laying queen. Nuc 1 just in lay only eggs mostly upright. Nuc 2 sister of above saw queen but no eggs. Today the whole nuc 2 is out on the front of the box, at first thought robbing going on, opened up lid revealing no bees inside. As...
  13. W

    queen piping

    carried out a AS and left two capped QC (rightly or wrongly, always seem to be differing views) anyhow went down this evening and I would be 99 % certain that i can hear two queens piping in the hive, should i still be hedging my bets and leave them to it or should I be thinking of going in and...
  14. W

    Queen cell temperatures

    thanks darren wbchive what about your dead varroa?
  15. W

    Queen cell temperatures

    have removed a capped queen cell from a colony and would like to try and get it to hatch in a jam jar, I think someone mentioned this the other day in a post. I dont have an airing cupboard, what sort of temperature should they be kept at. I dont particularily intend to use the emerging queen it...
  16. W

    Sending nucs out IN THE POST

    PH have done the bank statement thing already, not good enough as only shows amount paid out and chq no., not that it actually went to person. I am in business myself selling large quantities of a product to multiple purchasers, if payment is received prior to delivery, receipt is given and...
  17. W

    Sending nucs out IN THE POST

    I order my nuc February 09 from the above person in question, didnt recieve it last year even with some tame chasing, with more persistent chasing since christmas still have not got it this year, and now wants proof that i paid!!!! i.e photocopy of cheque from bank! Full payment cashed 11/02/09!
  18. W


    I have added the info to my profile, just worked out how to. I would purchase a queen from a breeder. The hive currently is brood and a half with 5 brood frames of capped brood, with brood and eggs in all but two of the other. Brood and eggs in the half box in at least six frames. This was last...
  19. W


    going to requeen as have a red marked queen. Whats best from peoples experience. Dont want to kill the old queen as only have one hive currently, can i make a nucleus with her? Her hive has been building up quite well and there would be enough capped brood to remove some. thanks