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  1. B

    Asian Hornet - Update

    I'm getting paranoid. I've been checking this thread and Beebase frequently. Thanks JBM. It is a pity that the NBU have not updated their latest news thread. Even a "no joy" message would have been helpful.
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    Asian Hornet - Update

    I wonder if the NBU will make an educational video about the Asian Hornet and include how they have dealt with the Tetbury incident. Such an item may help to secure future funding. I can imagine there are independent programme makers wondering if they could make a saleable product.
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    Extermination advise

    Across the pond, in a hive, some folk use a hot smoker and add sulphur powder. I've never tried it.
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    Honey jars

    I get my 1 lb honey jars from Spinks-Compak. Empty jars from different suppliers and from the same supplier can weigh differently. Worth checking.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    United a Q- part of a nasty swarm I had collected in a bait hive. This was a paper unite to a better hive in an out-apiary. Realized after, that I had not made some holes in the paper. I wasn't going back into it, so I'm trusting they make their own holes.
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    How to clear/utilise redundant frames.

    Once the nuc brood has emerged you could put the nuc frames above the crown board. Reduce the hole in the crown board to a size to allow only 2 or 3 bees to get through. The bees will think that the above crown board frames are not part of the hive and move the stores down. If the bees don't...
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    BBKA Website and Tree Bumbles

    I am on the BBKA Swarm Collectors List. The majority of calls I get turn out to be Tree Bumbles. It would save me a lot of phone time if the BBKA Website were amended to filter out Tree Bumble "nests" and "swarms". A typical first question for me is "Is the swarm high up in a roof, eaves, gutter...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I have used the " Watering Can " method of introducing a new Q. I would use it again. Useful with an out-apiary. You open up the Q- hive. Use the can to give the bees and frames a soaking then run in the new Q. Simple.
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    Ramadan/Muslim Info Please

    The month-long Ramadan fast has started. One of my neighbours is a Muslim family. Now that Ramadan has started we have been given a small dish of muslim foods. I think it relates to giving alms to the poor. I think I must have been looking scruffier than usual. I would like to be able to make a...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Try setting up a large bait hive. Bait hive should not be close to the swarm. I would suggest at least 50m away.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bait hive interior set up. Hive wall... dummy board... brood comb... foundation... empty space... entrance in far end. No special reason to have a dummy board .... handy if I need it. Hive in partial shade facing South.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yesterday I set up a bait hive in a friend's garden. One empty old brood frame, one empty part drawn frame and a dummy board. All in an old WBC brood box with a small entrance on top of a stack of 3 milk crates. Cold and wet at the moment so I don't expect any interest for a couple of weeks.
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    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    Can anyone clarify about flowering cherry ? Years ago the local council planted ornamental flowering cherry trees along the streets in my area. At the moment, they are a mass of blossom but the bees don't seem to be working them. Looks nice but a bit of a nuisance when the wind strips the...
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    Another shameful act of vandalism

    I agree with EKB. A strapped hive may save the colony. In my fenced out-apiary a couple of hives have a laminated notice. " BEWARE Bee stings can kill "
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    Another shameful act of vandalism

    School holidays ? ?
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Interesting to hear from you, Goran. I am sorry that honey production is not worthwhile for you. You do not seem to have a lot of time at the bees. Are you happy that you will be able to follow the timetable that Q rearing will need ? Do you think that nuc production might be another option ?
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    Compost Bin ....... Warning

    Earlier this year I purchased a 380l square black plastic compost bin via e-bay. I CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT. 1. To assemble I had to soak the clips in hot water. 2. The lid can be lifted by a rat. I've got a squatter. 3. Now the bin is full the plastic has started to snap. I'll need to...
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    Safety Elf?

    This thread is making me cringe. Recently started on the Warfarin. Week 2, spent 2 hours with my arm up in the air waiting for the nurse to dress a small nick. Gloves with everything.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Brigsy ... The ground cover looks very healthy. Have you plans for moving full supers off site ? Sorry. I'm always looking for possible problems.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Rather leary of TV crews. "We are from TV. You should be glad that we're making a programme." They get paid to make the item then sell it on. Maybe they look for something quirky ... Bee beards and the like. Miserable old sod