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  1. Jenxy


    Well I bumped into my neighbour outside just now, we exchanged pleasantries... she asked how I was keeping and I told her hat I had been to see someone that kept bees.... Her eyes popped out of her head, she said I must be mad and that she would not go within 6 miles of a beehive. Kinda put the...
  2. Jenxy

    Are all associations affiliated to BBKA?

    mmmm I know what you mean.... a bit like the Soil Association giving a pass certificate to a farm in Chernobyl..:)
  3. Jenxy

    Are all associations affiliated to BBKA?

    It's a good sign that members are starting to question their actions tho, it may well lead to a change of heart of the BBKA... If that does happen, I will happily become a member. After all, I am sure there are a lot of organic farm product producers that would find some benefit from being...
  4. Jenxy

    Are all associations affiliated to BBKA?

    I am glad I am not the only one Brosville, I wonder if the BBKA are aware of how potential new members feel.
  5. Jenxy

    Are all associations affiliated to BBKA?

    Yesterday I had my first ever introduction to real live bees... I have to say, it was a day I will never forget and it was brilliant, but I digress. I want to join a beekeeping association in order to learn as much as possible, but the one I was going to join has an affiliation with the BBKA...
  6. Jenxy


    I love the answers.... and I am having to think about the consequences of her realizing that I have bees in my garden..... I was hoping that I could move them in under the cover of darkness... or at least when she is out at work, maybe she won't notice.... too much. I am sure she will kick off...
  7. Jenxy


    Unfortunately it's a "she" not a "he".. hence the squinny attitude to wildlife...
  8. Jenxy


    That's a good idea....and one that has put my mind at rest.... now, any advice on how to deal with a neighbour that wants to kill anything that crawls, wriggles or flies around????
  9. Jenxy


    Spent last night talking to anyone who would listen about my desire to keep bees, and was bought down to earth with a thud when I was reminded of the gigantic ant colony I have in my garden. I was told that they will dessimate my hive... albeit by a rather intoxicated listener that has no...
  10. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Wow Finman... 40 years! That really is a life's work. You could probably write your own book on the subject.
  11. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    From what I can gather, 20 years ago beekeeping was a lot less complicated... no imports, no mite, not so many pesticides... so I am sure there would not have been so much information to take on board.
  12. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Now I am a little more concerned... The site I had in mind is easy to gate off so the grandchildren don't go wandering where they shouldn't, but in the summer, it gets hot over there.... am wondering if there is a way I can cool it a little... Hombre, it sounds lie you have spent a lot of time...
  13. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Is it right that they get a bit grumpy if they are not in the sunshine???
  14. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Thankyou for that, I will surely take it on board. How much space around it does a hive need? I ask because I am sure I only have room in my garden for one, so maybe should look for another place to host one.
  15. Jenxy

    Which beekeeper are you? Part 1 of 2

    I have really enjoyed reading that... very observational and entertaining... must have taken ages to write.
  16. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Well I don't have ponies, so I will be o there.... as for the other error... I am still trying to get to grips with the names of the components that make up a hive, let alone how it all goes together. I have heard that a lot of beginners will perhaps lose their first colony. Is it very common?
  17. Jenxy

    Hello, I'm new and want to learn...

    Yes it is Mr Willis... I called him today and I must say what a thoroughly lovely bloke to talk to. I could have stayed on the phone for another couple of hours and not have been bored. There is certainly a lot of information to learn, and quite a few choices to make re hive type, method of care...
  18. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    If it's not too off topic... can I ask what the mistake you made was? I have so much to learn, that it would pay me to try to take on board some other peoples mistakes as well... it may save me time.
  19. Jenxy

    Baker's Fondant

    Hi Hombre... I live in near Southampton... and Frisbee... you are dead on, I thought everyone was talking about the stiffer block fondant.. sos about that. I know I have an awful lot to learn..
  20. Jenxy

    Hello, I'm new and want to learn...

    Thanks all for the hellos.. I am off to try and track down a copy of the book you mentioned. I have been in contact with the secretary of the Southampton Beekeepers club. She has given me the number of a guy to ring... apparently he is friendly and very helpful. There is also a chance for me to...