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  1. Jenxy

    Google street car cam

    It's already happening Busy Bee.... They have cunningly disguised their operation as the NHS :)
  2. Jenxy

    Hello - Potential new beekeeper - excited about starting!

    Out of interest. ( and with me being quite nosey..) why are you being discouraged from importing bees from over this side of the water? Do they give a reason?
  3. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  4. Jenxy

    We need to do a list

    That's special :)
  5. Jenxy

    One brood box or two?

    Hopefully I am getting them from a local keeper, tho not through an association. You are right about the planning thing. I guess beekeeping is a kind of "suck it and see" situation. You never can be prepared for everything.
  6. Jenxy

    One brood box or two?

    Hombre, bless you for asking, I am not expecting my first bees until some weeks from now:) I am a complete beginner, and that is why I have so many niggling questions to ask. That is also why I was fretting about having two brood boxes to inspect, when I have yet to get to grips with inspecting...
  7. Jenxy

    One brood box or two?

    Well maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself.... I see you have 10 hives PH, so you must have been doing this a while. If it isn't something you have had to deal with yet, maybe it isn't something I should fret about yet.
  8. Jenxy

    We need to do a list

    Well, I am pretty handy with a paintbrush and roller... Can write a mean letter to MP's and officialdom if I feel passionate enough about the cause, have had a fair bit of success buying and selling at auctions and antique fairs.... and can render a Jehovahs Witness speechless at the front door...
  9. Jenxy

    One brood box or two?

    So if I am lucky enough to have a prolific queen, and need another brood box, how difficult does that make inspection? I would worry about lifting a heavy brood box off so I could inspect the lower, and ( another daft one here I'm sure..) how easy would it be to lose the queen? I mean, you...
  10. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  11. Jenxy

    One brood box or two?

    I hope not another daft question... As you know I am reading the only book I have on the subject... and you all said that I shouldn't take it too literally as it is geared more to a US market. But it is saying that when you have had your first bees for a few weeks, you should add another "deep"...
  12. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  13. Jenxy

    Google street car cam

    I got about six emails when it first launched to say that people had seen my wee bedford rascal outside my house... had a look, quite weird really.
  14. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  15. Jenxy

    A nice afternoon.

    Sounds like the perfect afternoon. :)
  16. Jenxy

    Donations: Heads up Admin

    Admin, you are dead on about the packing up thing. I am a member of another forum.. (totally unrelated to bees..) and two weeks ago, went to log on and the whole thing gone. The guy that started it up had to start all over again, before it packed up there was tons of technical stuff relating to...
  17. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  18. Jenxy

    First Word In Your Head...

  19. Jenxy

    Drawing Comb

    OK DUHHH I just looked at the admins list of acronyms... Oil seed rape... Sorry to blight your question.
  20. Jenxy

    Drawing Comb

    I have no idea about your question... but have to ask, what is OSR? :)