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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Bob Bee

    Binocular Spectacles - Ebay

    those x ray spex I sent off for from an ad in MAD magazine still don't work either.
  2. apidea


  3. bait hive 1

    bait hive 1

  4. entrance busy

    entrance busy

  5. farm apiary july 13

    farm apiary july 13

  6. isolation apiary site

    isolation apiary site

  7. Bob Bee

    Shaking bees from Top Bar Frames

    Use a brush.
  8. Bob Bee

    Apidea basics

    I dont know Wornholz but using apadea I have had two successes using bees and cells introduced at the same time, but they were from the same hive.
  9. Bob Bee

    Extra entrances?

    I have two hives with entrances above the supers as well as normal bottom entrances. These are the result of recombining early demaree splits. The demaree board I have left above the supers to gather the flying bees from the top box while the two brood boxes were united with paper (probably...
  10. Bob Bee

    BAIT HIVES - what's your success rate?

    Had two successes in the same box on the allotment, three weeks apart and one on another site. both the boxes are standard national broods with solid floors, one very old frame covered in propolis and black comb, two or three others with bits of foundation and some empty frames. both over six...
  11. Bob Bee

    Aggressive Bees in Allotment

    This is a common problem, you have to move them and sooner rather than later. We had a colony on our allotments that did the same and caused a lot of bad feeling. By moving them quickly we were able to then negotiate a separate space away from the plots where three or four people could keep bees...
  12. Bob Bee

    Pest controllers

    There are lots of cowboys out there.... I work with two local pest controllers who pass on honey bee swarms and get me to talk to folk with bumble bees about keeping them. If people insist he does destroy them and a call out is around £70 plus mileage.
  13. Bob Bee

    The Black Bees of the Ile d'Ouessant, France all have useful links to people working towards good AMM stock. if the links get spoiled send me PM. Bob
  14. Bob Bee

    No thanks...

    dont let them drive you out, Im with the name and shame brigade here, if all those who felt abused left it would just be the thoughtless and arrogant bullies left, then the rest of of us would have to leave as well.
  15. Bob Bee

    Leather gloves?

    I would recommend hanging on to your leather gauntlets for the odd occasion when your just moving kit or filling feeders. When handling frames and learning to handle bees the heaviest recommended would be a marigold style glove. blue nitrile is much better and if you intend to handle queens and...
  16. Bob Bee

    Apidea basics

    Helpful stuff thanks. I did my first grafting session with CBBIG last week, will soon have this queen rearing business sorted, hopefully. I may also do a demaree on one of my strongest colonies, nice dark bees on a double brood drawing a third super, but only if it develops cells..... Paignton...
  17. National trust site june 13

    National trust site june 13

  18. national trust site june 13

    national trust site june 13

  19. National trust site june 13

    National trust site june 13

  20. Bob Bee

    Double Brood Inspections

    so what happened to: BE KIND and INTERACT, NOT REACT. AGREE TO DISAGREE EVEN IF ATTACKED BY ANOTHER MEMBER - WE WILL HANDLE THE OTHER MEMBER. If you don't agree with someone's view, EXPRESS your views rather than tear down theirs. You have the option on EVERY POST to report that post to admin...