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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F


    Really I am surprised to hear that? I would have thought that the sheer price of the 177 would have put it beyond that associated with the DIY branded names. If I purchased a Wickes router for the price I imagine they go for, I would be ecstatic to find out it was an ELU? The paradox to this...
  2. F


    Hello ns try looking here Very good site and friendly too!! Bewarned if you thought you spent too much time on bee forums, the worst thing to do is subscribe to a woodworkers forum! That will be the other half of the day done for too! A quicker answer...
  3. F

    When is second quality not second quality

    hello to pitch in with my two penn'oth. Seconds in my book are cosmetic flaws and not structural defects. What is the point of the joint if it does not join? I would certainly tell Th**nes that they are unacceptable. The obvious lesson (learnt the hard way) is to get to a Th**nes sale, where...