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  1. bushman1872

    Oil seed rape

    lucky git
  2. bushman1872

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    you could try shaking over a queen excluder this might make life a little easier for you. Keep us updated as I am intrigued to see if somehow a queen has appeared. Best of luck
  3. bushman1872

    How many frames of brood is 'normal' at this time of year?

    Rule out disease or extensive varroa damage before splashing out on a new queen. Try a shook swarm into a spare brood box with new foundation if you have one and then pop a feeder on top and monitor them closely for the next few weeks if queen is still not performing well then get rid. How was...
  4. bushman1872

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    but if the guy is saying that the old queen was destroyed and the frames was put in to make an emergency queen from exisiting un capped brood. I agree logic would say that no QC's meant a queen was present but if shes dead then what the hell is going on?
  5. bushman1872

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    This is going to sound daft but what exactly did yo do with the old queen? Also are you 100% certain that you have no eggs at all because that would probably dictate what you did next. If you have laying workers there would be no point in intoducing a new queen but if there is absolutely no sign...
  6. bushman1872

    Cleaning frame

    Does anyone else wack frames into the oven for a bit at about 230 degrees c? This seems to solve propolis and wax in gaps problem, just let the oven cool before opening unles you like a serious pine fresh in your house.
  7. bushman1872

    I need help with beekeeping equipment

    Few questions first where abouts is stoneheven? Do you suffer from a bad back? What strain of bee do you have/are getting?
  8. bushman1872

    Big boxes = lots of bees

    Didn't work for me last year tried swapping end frames around but they were more interested in going up than out. Worth a try, maybe super up and swap frames.
  9. bushman1872

    Any one else having issues with wax moth??

    I have just finished moving my girls into their larger 14x12 quarters and in the few weeks when both brood box and 14x12 brood box were on I noticed some whitish looking brood cappings so dutifully had a little poke and to my horror saw this nasty little larvae trying to make a run for it. On...
  10. bushman1872

    Anaphylactic shock

    * HP morphine is a pain reliver nothing else, adrenaline is a potentially life saving drug. * I re-highlight the point about developing anaphylaxis over many years, I have just bought some kit of someone that had this happen. * Generally speaking most of our hives are probably not next to...
  11. bushman1872

    Wax moth!

    I just found a whole load of the little gits burrying their way accross some sealed brood along wit a whole load of bees with deformed wing virus- not pleased.
  12. bushman1872

    Anaphylactic shock

    None of you have ever been in the scouts then? What about the motto be prepared! "your realy right driston, epi pens in the wrong hands are just as deadly as annie shock." Have you got any proof of that what so ever! Comments like that make people think twice about doing the right thing, if...
  13. bushman1872

    wow lots of every thing

    too true I am in the process of putting my lot into a 14x12 brood box.
  14. bushman1872

    feeding bees

    they may not need it, same as when you feed them for winter they will take as much as they want and then stop. Some people are starting to feed small amounts of weak (1 to 1) syrup this contains vital water that the bees need when rearing brood.
  15. bushman1872

    Hive Inspection

    that looks like a reasonable amount of brood on those frames..
  16. bushman1872

    Anaphylactic shock

    The only thing I would say to everyone new beek or old beek is to always carry a mobile with you, you may not be able to run for help! I guess finacially the sooner you get stung and find out what reaction you have the better, purely for the fact that if you get an anaphylatic reaction you won't...
  17. bushman1872

    I'm Not Complaining.... but...

    sounds like they are a right bunch of obsessive compulsive A holes, in case they hadn't noticed your contributing to the eco system and the preservation of a species what do their cars do? Give them nothing and pray to the god of spikey stingy things that a nest of wasps takes up residence in...
  18. bushman1872

    Our Honey and its saleability

    that news is very worrying especially as osr is a real cash crop for farmers and they obviously want maximum amounts of crop to survive. I'm not so worried about super weeds its the super weedkillers that would have to be used on them, surely this alone would have serious repercussions. As for...
  19. bushman1872

    incorrect labeling??

    do microwave ready meals say that the contents may be hot after heating if not then I wouldn't worry about the honey labels.
  20. bushman1872

    Anaphylactic shock

    get some common sense it appears you have none!!