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  1. F

    vegan honey

    I struggle with the vegan thing (being from farming stock) but have no issue with people who choose that way. The point about beekeeping is valid though - like in all walks of stock keeping you get some who bring down the good name of those who do it so well. Think her books needs burning -...
  2. F

    I don't believe it! Buckfast bumped off?

    Had the same happen - bought in queen to improve temperament , introduced in to nuc, laying well for 3 weeks and then gone with 2 QCs left in her place. The newly mated daughter is nice though - got her mothers calmness.
  3. F

    Day Out

    Thanks - were thinking sticking with local ag show instead
  4. F

    Day Out

    Was it a nightmare getting in to the show? Got some freebie tickets but not sure want to wait for 3 hours just to get in which a lot of people had to do
  5. F

    Wasp catcher

    In what way?
  6. F

    have i done wrong?

    I always find it takes a queen a week longer to come in to lay from when you think she will.
  7. F


    Did one just this week immediately after dispatch, it's not like they will chomp straight through the newspaper. Still amazes how quickly the tone changes when they go from Q+ to Q-. Not a sound I like to hear but needs must sometimes
  8. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bees assaulting the large **** bush in garden like it's going out of fashion. Sadly not my bees! Mine though equally busy - blackberry in abundance.
  9. F

    LimeWatch UK

    I'll second that - it's all about the brambles which is bursting out with the warmer weather. Usually my best nectar provider and with all the damp will keep flowering.
  10. F

    Girls were very very angry

    I find if they kick off smoke very rarely makes a difference and it's about shutting up and coming back another day. Probably weather related and lack of forage in June
  11. F

    Pass it on

    You've summed it up very nicely Swarm. I've nothing further to say!
  12. F

    NBU Starvation alert

    Perhaps the answer is to split the difference and go for 1.5:1! I never worry too much, if it gets that close to starvation any sugar is better than none
  13. F

    This years honey crop (so far)

    Colonies primed to go go go on blackberry and lime that will come out if we get a week or two of hot weather, if....... Spring crop pretty decent but not extracted all which they will no doubt be munching through now. Bigger pain is 2 out of 4 raised queens gone drone layers. Another poor...
  14. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Just back in from moving a colony between apiaries to even numbers up. Wet añd soggy evening now.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    And the resources in the hive at the time - pollen, availability of nurse bees etc
  16. F

    Bees crawling around in the grass in front of the hive

    Thanks. One for all of us to read up on so we don't suffer like the poor poster on this thread. Not a disease I'm familiar with
  17. F

    Bees crawling around in the grass in front of the hive

    Is it me or does there seem to be a lot more reports of it this year (or perhaps more awareness?).
  18. F

    Bees crawling around in the grass in front of the hive

    This seems a rapid decline, especially a colony that was fit enough to swarm just a couple if weeks ago. How have you diagnosed it? Very unfortunate for this to happen on your first swarm.
  19. F

    Some colonies are determined to swarm

    So are you saying that bees have a flawed evolution and have taken swarming too far? If they don't swarm how do they increase their population numbers because eventually something would happen to a colony that just supersedes such as fires, pests, predators etc and that strain would die out. By...
  20. F

    Some colonies are determined to swarm

    I was just wondering if swarming desires are reduced why they would invest in precious resources on so many drones. Although I do realise that drones may have other purposes we're not aware of given the number most colonies produce. My TBH has higher drone production and I also notice that each...