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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    best Flowers for bees??

    Basically, any simple open flowers.
  2. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Last week I had 4 hives, all busy. Today, one has no sign of life. (One on either side is coming and going in the sunshine)
  3. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    google "Straw Laundry Basket"
  4. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    Very nice. Is the hole in the top your idea? I thought they were in the bottom.
  5. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    Makes me smile when there is a thing about links, then somebody puts things like "Th***ns sell them. who is that? :)
  6. S

    Drone Layer

    I'd say it was worth a shot. I take it you now have bees.
  7. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    Interesting site, well worth a visit. Thanks Rich.
  8. S

    Scientific evidence for honey-based cures

    Read recently, that when you scrape propolis off the frames, you shouldn't throw it away, if you don't want it yourself, leave it for the ladies to re-use.
  9. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    I did find a hedgehog in it once lol
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    New varroa floors

    Lets us know if they are any good, £45 is a bit hefty for me.
  11. S

    Where can I get a skep?

    My wife has one of those Alibaba laundry baskets I have my eye on, :)
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    Scientific evidence for honey-based cures

    I have a friend in Canada who is a pallative nurse, he uses honey as medication. Try Canadian health service.
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    Re-using frames

    Personally I'd put in new foundation, others will no doubt have different ideas.:)
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    Dead easy. Wash, take out stones. Equal parts by weight plums and sugar Simmer for approx 30 mins Check setting point by dropping a bit on a cold plate, and push with a finger and see if it ripples. Put in warm steralised jars, fit lid, leave to cool.
  15. S

    Old beeswax

    Never done lip balm, but it makes excellent polish. Melted and mixed with Turpintine. (Don't mix over an open flame)
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Gluteus Maximus? :)
  17. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    :) That wood left to rot will be of benefit to lots of bugs, ladybirds and all manner of insects for years, on your fire, a couple of months.
  18. S

    Is it me?????

    Mine don't like the smell/taste of comphrey when its been turned into fertilizer.
  19. S

    bees on river cottage,Hackney honey.

    Noel Murphy does an excellent one too.