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  1. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Last inspection you were clumsy and squashed HM, they made a new one, now you wait and see.
  2. S

    Hello and help please!

    As anyone suggested you get stung first (by a bee) it might not be for you if you are allergic?
  3. S

    My first hive

    Why have you put an empty super above the crown board?
  4. S

    Allotment neighbour issues

    I have hives on my allotment and so far no problems, most other allotment holders are pleased to see them, and I spend more time talking about the bees than gardening these days. Check with your committee, you might find that pigeons are not allowed since they produce nothing, they are not even...
  5. S

    Top Bar start

    Might it depend on the size of the TB? I have a TB which I'm hoping to use this year and was hoping I could just shake a swarm in, and leave them to it.
  6. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I find it quite amazing how the time just flys by, sitting and watching the bees coming and going. Tomorrow I must get on with the allotment for a change, the weeds are taking over.
  7. S

    Different colour bees in the same hive.

    I think you will find you are wrong.
  8. S

    Swarm Collection Box for DIY-Incapable?!?

    I just use a homemade "Nuk" that holds 6 frames. Its usually big enough, and has a closeable access hole.
  9. S

    Different colour bees in the same hive.

    Bees don't have fathers, only grandfathers.
  10. S

    Deep breath... here goes!!

    Best to have at least two. You'll find out why in due course. :)
  11. S

    Manipulating cloth anyone?

    I usually have disposable latex gloves over Marigolds, and change the disposables after each hive.
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    Organising to Wear a Suit of Bees

    Most keepers wear protection when opening the hive. Pick a nice sunny day when you try it, the girls are happiest then.
  13. S

    Organising to Wear a Suit of Bees

    Find yourself a queen, put her in a queen cage, and hang it around your neck. Her girls will join you. Good luck.
  14. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A surprising number of bees out flying, despite the drizzling rain
  15. S

    Bees in the Telegraph

    Charlie is ok, but just a tv presenter. Bees are very fashionable just now, she is just exploiting it.
  16. S

    Ways to avoid heavy lifting?

    Before you carry out a full inspection, kick the side of the hive, this will put the bees into the air and so lighten the hive.:)
  17. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Agreed.^^^^^^ I have pick them up and put them on the landing board and watched them walk back in.
  18. S

    Artificial Swarm or Snelgrove Board?

    No chance unless Chris is a girl:)
  19. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    What did I do today? What, in this snow?