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  1. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately all of the roofs i have are in use right now, but its definitely one I’ll bear in mind for next year when I expect to be moving a lot more (when the honey room should be ready).
  2. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Awful weather here today, so spent a couple of hours making up some clearer board/eke combination. With hives in two locations now it’s going to be the first year transporting supers to extract, so also cut a few extra boards to keep them sealed in transit. Hopefully there’s still plenty of...
  3. B

    Honey Room - design hints and tips

    Thanks, will add one. Rating has never been important for me as honey has just been getting given away, but am now getting so much that it makes sense to look at selling some.
  4. B

    Honey Room - design hints and tips

    Already has a sink, hot water being added too (high flow instantaneous unit) as part of the plan. Is a double/separate handwash absolutely necessary? If so, I might need to tweak layout slightly but that’s easily done at this stage.
  5. B

    Time to go Electric… 12 frame extractor recommends.

    I was in a similar position and bit the bullet and went for the 20, mainly because it’s easier to not use all the capacity you have than not have all the capacity you want. Now that the number of hives has increased, I’m pleased I did. Only downsides are that the controller isn’t the most...
  6. B

    Manual radial extractor conversion to electric cordless drill drive

    My Konigin runs in one direction, stops and reverses to run in the other direction. The forces acting on the frames (and on the honey relative to the comb) will be different for each direction of rotation but, as it is hard to see a downside to it running two ways, I’ve never bothered to see if...
  7. B

    Greetings from Cheshire

    Hi, we’re just south of Knutsford. Nice it of space around for the bees :) assume you’re Cheshire based too?
  8. B

    Honey Room - design hints and tips

    Thanks - fortunate to have a drain in the middle of the floor, but hadn’t considered making the sockets waterproof. There’s only a few to go in, and easy to do, so probably makes sense. As for lofts… Hate working in them! Core drilling for extractor ducts being even worse than laying insulation…
  9. B

    Honey Room - design hints and tips

    After a number of years beekeeping, the number of hives has increased to the point at which I'm considering setting up a dedicated honey room (fortunate to have an outbuilding approx. 3.5x3.5m, with power and water, that I can use). 14 hives running at the moment if we include some...
  10. B

    Greetings from Cheshire

    Hi, Been lurking on here for a while and figured I should probably join in a bit... Have been keeping bees for about six or seven years now, now up to 14 hives (never planned to get that many, but these things just seem to happen), and getting to grips with the scale changing. Hopefully able...