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  1. F

    Hilltop Honey Bee Pollen-Safe for bees?

    Thanks for your reply. I'm guessing this is something I can do little about then?
  2. F

    Hilltop Honey Bee Pollen-Safe for bees?

    Yes, I suspect the queen may be duff (as I have no other explanation), but she is laying, and as of last check definitely present in the hive. The absence of any capped brood, is what I don't understand, and I wondered if a deficiency of protein may have been holding back development of new...
  3. F

    Hilltop Honey Bee Pollen-Safe for bees?

    There is no capped brood to see, the queen appears to be laying still, but maybe competing with a laying worker as some cells had multiple eggs in them. It's worrying it'll be at least 3 weeks till any new bees reach maturity. Think they are doomed tbh. I'm just not sure why, as they have loads...
  4. F

    Hilltop Honey Bee Pollen-Safe for bees?

    You may be right, I do wonder if my queen has lost her virulence. The pollen is UK based, from Wales. It is intended as one of these food supplements for human consumption. The weight is 125g. I think you're right, I'd hate to worsen their predicament I'm going to have to develop a taste for...
  5. F

    Hilltop Honey Bee Pollen-Safe for bees?

    Hello all, My colony looks on the brink of collapse. One thing I noticed is there seems to be very little pollen stores within the hive. If my colony is to survive I need to get the brood restarted quick. I have as some have suggested ordered some Candipoline, but it won't arrive until the 1st...
  6. F

    Egg Laying Workers

    I think this pollen substitute may be an option, they have loads of stores of honey, but little to no pollen which will be a problem for growing the colony size. The swarm was free, as a beginner I didn't want to spend a lot of money on bees which I may struggle to keep alive.
  7. F

    Egg Laying Workers

    Thanks for your reply. Even though they are tending to the very extreme edges of the frames? The queen has plenty of empty cells, but isn't utilising them. I'm reassured that you think it may be the queen, I hope so, there's a chance they can pull through if so.
  8. F

    Egg Laying Workers

    Hello I was wondering if anyone could give me some advise. I got my bee colony last June from a swarm collector, as such I do not know the age of my queen. Today I conducted my first inspection of the year. My bees have survived the winter but do not look in a good way. There is no capped...