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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. mattclements

    National vs National Hybrid Hives

    Ignore this - I found my answer here:
  2. mattclements

    National vs National Hybrid Hives

    Hi all, Just wondering if anybody could shed any light on a National Hybrid hive (such as those sold by Mann Lake) vs a National hive (such as those sold by Thornes) etc. Are they still as universal with other National parts, or a more specialised/specific hive?
  3. mattclements

    Hi from Milton Keynes

    Thanks all - really good to hear your advise - I am potentially looking for a mentor for this year/next year if anybody is interested - either Milton Keynes or Bedfordshire way would be ideal
  4. mattclements

    Nuc wanted - Milton Keynes

    Looking for my first Nuc in Milton Keynes or nearby. Just out of interest - what time of year is best to purchase a Nuc?
  5. mattclements

    Hi from Milton Keynes

    Hi all! From Milton Keynes, and starting with NBBKA on a beginners course this week, very excited to get going! Plan to keep bees on an allotment near by, as don't really have room in the garden, and with young children.