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  1. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

  2. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

    Or even a sparse chimp.
  3. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

    This is probably absconding. The bees have probably joined an absconding swarm. There is a discussion about this on a French list at the moment.
  4. N

    Finding a DCA

    Probably even get men in white coats chasing after you. "They are coming to take me away, hehe haha!"
  5. N

    Finding a DCA

    Oh how virginal!
  6. N

    Finding a DCA

    There are many listed in Beowulf Cooper's book.
  7. N

    not seen in the UK, but.....

    One of the best ones is: "Keep working w****rs, the palace has running costs to cover". Of course translated from Greek.
  8. N

    not seen in the UK, but.....

    Yes Vespa orientalis, want some? I can send you hundreds.......
  9. N

    What do you smoke ?

    OK fine. I thought that there might be another reason.
  10. N

    What do you smoke ?

    Why do you want to know?
  11. N

    Cretan apiary

    No doubt some of our bees as we have an apiary just down the road. The colonies in the photos have probably been taken to the area for carob, the tree in photo is a carob, it produces abundant nectar and pollen at this time of the year. The asian hornet does not occur in Crete. The problem...
  12. N

    All Chinese honey banned in UK

    Not according to the Beebase website: :facts:
  13. N

    All Chinese honey banned in UK

    Would this also apply to british honey/beeswax from colonies that have been treated with an antibiotic for EFB?
  14. N

    All Chinese honey banned in UK

    Honey contains many "foreign" substances that are not on the label, sodium benzoate is probably one of them. As I mentioned above, it all depends on the level present if actually poses a threat to human health. It might interest you to learn that antibiotic residues can be leached from beeswax...
  15. N

    All Chinese honey banned in UK

    Wether it is dangerous to human health all depends on levels detected and it is calculated on the average daily intake. Level of detection is usually 10PPB! It is very low.
  16. N

    Feeding and this weather

    These would be your supereconomic AMM type of bees then.
  17. N

    Beekeeping in Sicily

    Second photo is carob (Ceratonia siliqua), there are male and female trees. The male trees give abundant pollen and nectar. It has a very characteristic smell........
  18. N

    British black bee

    What has Cooper got to do with you not understanding the difference between species and subspecies?
  19. N

    British black bee

    OH I give up with you! Still can't figure out the species status.
  20. N

    British black bee

    Most of the original lines are available from a breeder in Denmark. Not Brandstrup by the way.