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  1. N

    Importing package bees by the truckload?

    Yes Chris, it is the 100km rule.
  2. N

    Importing package bees by the truckload?

    The enemy has managed to get through the gate, is inside the EU fortress and is reproducing and spreading without apparent problems. The next few months are going to be interesting to say the least.
  3. N

    Importing package bees by the truckload?

    This was an illegal import anyway. Imports from mainland USA were stopped in 1986. However imports from the USA continued into Portugal, Spain and of course France for another 15 years even though the importers AND the exporters knew it was illegal not just from the EU point of view but also...
  4. N

    The old lady next door made me laugh

    I parked my bee truck in the Lidl carpark. On returning to the car I found another car had rammed into and got stuck under mine. I asked the driver WTF and he asked me why I parked my car there? Go figure.
  5. N

    SHB in Southern Italy

    Latest announcements indicate that it is widespread and has been present for at least a year. Seems like local beekeepers tried to keep it secret and many have moved colonies away from the affected area - probably spreading it even further.
  6. N

    Has this happened to you

    My wife has a very large family and she had the habit of giving them all free bottles of honey - that was 20 years ago as I made her help me take off supers then. She's petite, I strapped a blower onto her back and she had to carry it around for hours, whilst we removed 120 supers full of...
  7. N

    Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East?

    Yes, the Iranians I have met have all been very polite and well educated.
  8. N

    Male/female beekeeper ratio

    Maybe the 5880 quoted are unsure about their sexual orientation.
  9. N

    Next ice age on the way.

    Next ice age:
  10. N

    Next ice age on the way.

    Agree again -In our village we have a young woman who has had five kids, all with different fathers. She says that she doesn't know who the fathers are. She is registered at the labour office as an unemployed prostitute and of course receives unemployment benefit, plus child allowance for the...
  11. N

    Next ice age on the way.

    yes I agree....and "Old Farts".
  12. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    I think that some nuc suppliers just get the cheapest queens they can find and introduce them into a nuc, that is often of an inferior standard - old/tatty combs etc, the novice picks them up and six months later doesn't understand what happened and orders another nuc for the next season or...
  13. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    If we cannot rely on official statistics published by FERA, then it is just guesswork. Are you suggesting that large numbers of queen bees are imported into the UK illegally? If so, where did you get this information from? When a health certificate is issued for intra-community trade, the...
  14. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    Yes we do export queen bees to the UK, yes we do sell them - we are not a charity. We make a living from breeding and selling queen bees. Unfortunately your post above does not hold up when we look at the figures. Year Number of queen bees imported 2014 9678 2013 8625 2012 7977...
  15. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    May the Lord enlighten them. We see this negativity as regards any bee that is not of AMM type - yet we see little concern about the amount of honey imported into the UK. That is where the real damage is. Back to the original post - I don't think it is possible anyway to import queen bees...
  16. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    And your point is what? Bring the performance of AMM types up to the level of selected other types - the high performing bees already exist and don't you think that BA would have gone down this road if it were at all possible, instead of traveling thousands of kilometers, often in very trying...
  17. N

    Next ice age on the way.

    On the roof of the Hilton it was 62C at around 14.00 yesterday. The technicians were spraying the air conditioner chillers with water in an attempt to stop them shutting down due to overheating. Temperature reading from a digital camera.
  18. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

  19. N

    Next ice age on the way.

    Hahahaha....going to be 25C here tonight, not 2,5C. Winding the drone colonies up for when we start serious queen production again in late September.