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  1. N

    Queen problems-weather or something deeper?

    Yes and good quality ones as well. Not high numbers of inferior quality. But I'm waiting to see why imports were targeted on this thread.
  2. N

    Queen problems-weather or something deeper?

    And how would imports affect queen mating?
  3. N

    Low cost Beehives from China

    I purchased a drill made in China. When I tried to drill a hole it caught fire. They forgot to put on the box "Single use only".
  4. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work
  5. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    So why not use them and keep the queen where she belongs and the honey brood free in the supers. We remove the supers with a blower - I get really angry if I find a failed excluder and brood in the super. Probably means that we will get a queenless hive as well.
  6. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    Excluders are just that - to exclude the queen from laying in the supers and keep here where she belongs, in the brood chamber. Finman: do you get problems with bears? They do in Greece and receive EU grants to install electric fences to keep the bears out.
  7. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    You are forgetting an important component - the weather.
  8. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    You cannot compare Finland with Cyprus or the UK. All beekeeping is local and as you have mentioned, even 5km can make all the difference. But I do doubt very much that you would ever be able to produce the crops you used to, in the UK, even with your system. Professional beekeepers are...
  9. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    There is a thread on Bee-L at the moment about overwintering in single boxes. Canadian beekeepers produce very good crops with a single Langstroth brood chamber; of course with a queen excluder. The same here in Cyprus - most of the professional beekeepers use a single brood box with an...
  10. N

    Not using queen excluder - didn't seem to work

    But that isn't the whole story is it Finman? Our queens were way ahead of yours in early spring.......until you fed them some honey that was full of Nosema spores and nearly killed them. If the queen gets infected with Nosema then don't expect the colony to do much. How do you get honey...
  11. N

    Scottish "beekeeper" "Eric McArthur" threatens to burn hives.

    It got into Italy with fruit - dates. SO, stop importing fruit then. IF any one is clutching at straws it is the "Black Bee Brigade" with their well known antics.
  12. N

    Scottish "beekeeper" "Eric McArthur" threatens to burn hives.

    Maybe it has and couldn't manage to form a viable breeding population.
  13. N

    Scottish "beekeeper" "Eric McArthur" threatens to burn hives.

    I agree - but I don't think it is possible from "SHB free areas". The exporter can demand a veterinary certificate from the local authorities and they have no reason to refuse it. I think the greatest danger is the importation of bumble bee nest used for greenhouse pollination. If SHB manages...
  14. N

    Scottish "beekeeper" "Eric McArthur" threatens to burn hives.

    Here is a link to an article about an attack carried out in Germany. Diesel was poured into all the hives in the apiary killing of course all the bees and contaminating everything with diesel.,1,0.html It is thought...
  15. N

    Scottish "beekeeper" "Eric McArthur" threatens to burn hives.

    A Scottish beekeeper has made an inflammatory remark and has threatened to burn another beekeepers beehives for importing queen bees - it is not illegal. Conspiracy to commit a criminal act is. This is what he posted: "We the beekeeping community maintain a strict vigil and report any beekeeper...
  16. N

    BBKA ADM Small Hive Beetle

    Hello, I think the maximum number in the cage is 20 - but that might only apply only to imports from third countries. 8 is OK for us - more and they might eat all the cage candy.
  17. N

    SHB temp ban on imported bees from Italy

    Bates: Don't worry so much - there will not be a ban on queen bees from SHB free areas. The pro-ban supporters can lobby as much as they want - just a waste of time for them. See posts about the BBKA ADM.
  18. N

    BBKA ADM Small Hive Beetle

    Hello, Here we put up to 8 attendant bees in the cage with the queen. The attendant bees come from a hive specially prepared for the purpose each spring. Worker bees and brood combs are taken from this hive by the vets every 30 days for testing. This of course means more work for us rather...
  19. N

    BBKA ADM Small Hive Beetle

    There isn't going to be an import ban - so don't worry about it.