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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. N

    Different climate

    Colony build-up is greater in Finland than in more southern countries as well as has already been pointed out that day length during the foraging season gives Finland an advantage over the UK. So the large crops are not a surprise.
  2. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

  3. N

    Caucasian queen wanted

    Illegal import if not accompanied by a veterinary certificate.
  4. N

    refugees welcome

    Lesvos has seen 2/3 of the total number of refugees in Greece. 187,000 of them - nearly 3 times the normal population of the island!! Most of them in Mytilene town itself which normally has about 30,000 residents.
  5. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    Careful Andy - you'll get him going again.
  6. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    Well you shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet.
  7. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    Well yes, I was thinking of using Apivar this year.
  8. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    Indeed yes, keeps his brain operating.
  9. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    He left on his own in a huff as there wasn't anyone to disagree with him.
  10. N

    Price of varroa treatment

    Well he isn't banned on the other forum.
  11. N

    Poison water for bees

    First of all you should not mix bleach and washing up liquid. It can produce mustard gas and blind you. If you use tap water that contains chlorine to make syrup it is toxic to the brood. Better to use tap water after it has been left to stand for a couple of days so that the chlorine evaporates.
  12. N

    refugees welcome

    More trouble in Lesvos yesterday:******/
  13. N

    refugees welcome

    20,000 of them turned up in Mytilene town on Lesvos island last month. The infrastructure is unable to support a sudden increase in numbers like this. There was nowhere for them to stay, so they just camped wherever they could - crapped and pissed all over the place - destroyed the beautiful...
  14. N

    Drones and virgin queens.

    There is evidence to suggest that the when the queen is on her mating flight that she can detect and rejects drones that are closely related to her. Thus avoiding inbreeding problems. Seems logical to me.
  15. N

    Thymolated Syrup

    Isopropyl is less toxic - hence the recommendation to use it!
  16. N

    Thymolated Syrup

    Not really!
  17. N

    Thymolated Syrup

    Thymol in syrup renders male mites sterile, does the same to drones!
  18. N

    Bees drinking water ?

    You can see the situation in the attached. The water barrels are in the middle of the apiary.
  19. N

    Bees drinking water ?

    Yes they prefer water with trace minerals rather than the sterile tap type. Here in Cyprus in the summer there is a lack of standing water, other than some Russian's swimming pool, we have to take water to the apiaries. An apiary of 24 colonies needs about 130 liters every 4 days.
  20. N

    Queen problems-weather or something deeper?

    I do not know what possible causes RP gave on his list - no doubt he didn't miss the chance of negative comments about non-native bees. There are two main causes of all these problems with queens laying poorly, earl supercedure etc etc.