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  1. N

    Margaret Thatcher day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really! Obviously the majority of voters at the time had another opinion.
  2. N

    Margaret Thatcher day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thatcher took a lot of decisions that had a positive effect on the British economy and culture. These decisions we avoided by the likes of Heath, Callaghan and the biggest wimp of them all Harold Wilson. We have a lot to thank her for. Cyprus is in the same situation today that the UK was in...
  3. N

    Margaret Thatcher day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The question is how would things be if Maggie had never become interested in politics - would the miners still be on strike, would the Falklands belong to Argentinians etc etc - pretty grim I suppose.
  4. N

    What be this bee?

    Nice photo of the hoverfly! As for the others- Oh Dear! It does look like someone has been importing some queens.
  5. N

    Brother Adam's Mating Station

    Strike two.
  6. N

    Change of plan

    Use marine - the WBP is not suitable and will not last.
  7. N

    Promiscuous Queens.

  8. N

    The Monk and the honey bee.

    And this is?
  9. N

    By what name is Renson's limited broodnest method known in English?

    If anyone has a queen bee that can lay 3,000 eggs/day we are interested in purchasing it.
  10. N

    By what name is Renson's limited broodnest method known in English?

    Hello, I do not recall Brother Adam mentioning anything about 3,000 eggs/day. In our strain the maximum rate is about 1,500 and this has also been the number given by studies in the USA. Most beekeepers here in Cyprus use a SINGLE deep Langstroth broodchamber with an excluder. It works well...
  11. N

    By what name is Renson's limited broodnest method known in English?

    A 3/4 depth Langstroth super has enough room to keep a good queen busy. The maximum laying rate is about 1500 eggs/day. If bees with a low swarming instinct are used there shouldn't be a problem. Carniolians are going to swarm anyway no matter what the size of the brood chamber.
  12. N

    Upcoming weather

    Extreme weather conditions here in south-east Europe - drought. Some areas in Cyprus have only had about ONE inch of rain in the last 11 months. The government has ordered the desalination plants to start operating again as dam capacity is below 50%. In Crete, water levels in some wells have...
  13. N

    new honey regs

    __________________ I can assure you - this is no laughing matter!
  14. N

    EMERGENCY langstroth crisis

    Yes dimensions are correct. Better if you put fondant on as neopoll has pollen in it and is used later in spring.
  15. N

    Ruttner book wanted.

    WANTED FOR PURCHASE: One copy of "Biogeography and taxonomy of honey bees" by F. Ruttner 1988 Springer Verlag. If you have one for sale please contact me by email: [email protected]
  16. N

    Anybody recognise this beatle?

    Georgius harrisoni
  17. N

    Choice of hive

    Hello, I use langstroth. Single deep for brood, excluder and medium depth supers. Everyone here uses langstroth.
  18. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

    So on queen missing and many worker bees from several hives. Sort of fits the profile of the "usual suspect" = ABSCONDING.
  19. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

    One hive absconds with a queen and many worker bees from hives in the apiary join this swarm, it just draws them to it like a magnet. The swarm many stay in the vicinity of the apiary or just fly off - where it goes is not know. However, we often see reports of empty hives and reports of...
  20. N

    Quick dead outs by varroa

    Come on! The whole CCD/disappearing thing is absconding, sometimes on a grand scale. The hives are suddenly empty and the missing bees are nowhere to be found - where did they go? Abducted by aliens. Taken to area 51. AMM zealots stole them to reinforce their dwindling autumn hive...