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  1. N

    Equipment Wanted Capping spinner wanted

    Yes, that is what we use. Fits into Langstroth cassettes in the swing extractor. Works fine.
  2. N

    Wax moth damage to poly

    The wax moths love polys.
  3. N

    Changing race of colony via queen introduction

    Because of problems with capensis.
  4. N

    Brood boxes filling up

    I would leave the super on the hive.
  5. N

    Randy Oliver OA sponges

    I forgot to mention, the yellow colour is more effective than the other colours.
  6. N

    Randy Oliver OA sponges

    Take home message: it is effective.
  7. N

    Solar heated hives to reduce varroa

    Hahaha, it is often 40+, in the shade, here in the summer, Varroa is a big problem and is not negatively affected.
  8. N


    Well it is HOT here in Cyprus, all we can do is supply clean water sources near the bees.
  9. N

    Signs of accepted caged queen?

    They appear extremely pyssd off.
  10. N

    Signs of accepted caged queen?

    Not good at all, check again in 3 days, do not release until they accept the caged queen and after removal of security tabs do not open hive for a week. Of course check and cull cells.
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    Systemic Sting Reactions

    Note that NSAIDs can create a severe allergy to bee stings that lasts from 3 to 6 months after taking medication. Be careful with those pills. (I'm unable to provide a study to support this).
  12. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Grafted another 80 cells.
  13. N

    Queen Introduction

    I leave attendants in and check behaviour of receiving colony after 3 days, if aggressive I check again after another 3 days.
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    Here we are two weeks after the original post. There are a number of dead bees in front of the hive -virus victims?, but as can be clearly seen only a couple of uncapped cells and the bees appear to be very healthy.
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    I thought it would help to put some things into perspective here. I live in Ormidheia Village in eastern Cyprus. The village is located in a shallow valley near the coast. We have 4 beekeepers in the village parish with about 700 hives in total, most colonies have our genetics. The...
  16. N


    Varroa Sensitive Hygiene, is a developing behaviour in our bees for depressing mite levels. Here are two photographs taken today of a nuc with a queen from one of our own lines. The bees are able to detect the capped brood cells with Varroa mites, they uncap the cells to retard the Varroa...
  17. N

    Queen cages

    Leave alone for a week.
  18. N

    August 2022 - Interception of Honey Bee Queens at Dover

    Yes a good detection of this smuggling. In the photo of some cages, appears that there were hundreds of them. Take home message is to be compliant when importing/exporting, then things run very smoothly and efficiently.
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    August 2022 - Interception of Honey Bee Queens at Dover

    Consignment of queens without documentation destroyed at Dover. Information: NBU website news.
  20. N

    The joys of extracting

    Better than we expected even though no rain for 150+ days.