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  1. H

    Transferring a Nuc to a Longhive

    I have just started the second season of a beginners course with my local BKA. The rest of my classmates got their bees in August from the BKA but I had to delay as i did not have an agreement from the allotment committee. 🙄 The supplier is reputable and I think he was just trying to help me...
  2. H

    Transferring a Nuc to a Longhive

    I was intending on ordering a nuc to collect April/May time, but when I contacted my local supplier, he gave me the option of the 12 frame nuc. I was very excited by the prospect as I am very keen to get going.
  3. H

    Transferring a Nuc to a Longhive

    I am collecting my first bees next week from a local supplier. It’s a 12 frame over-wintered nuc in a national polyhive. The supplier is about 1 mile away (as the bee flies) from my allotment site when I plan to put the bees. When I expressed concerns over the distance, the supplier said it...
  4. H


    The only reason seemed to be that they are quite prolific, but from what I have read, they seem ideal for newbies as calm and less likely to swarm.
  5. H


    As a new beekeeper, part way through the basic course and hoping to get started in the spring, my classmates and I have been warned off having Buckfast queens in the first couple of years. Is this the general consensus?
  6. H

    Am I mad to think of a long hive?

    This is really helpful, thank you. :)
  7. H

    Am I mad to think of a long hive?

    I am a beekeeper in waiting as I had to delay getting bees pending approval from the allotment committee. However, I have bought a (short) long hive from Hyde Hives. When I have told experienced beekeepers of my purchase, comments have ranged from ‘exciting’ to ‘controversial’ to undisguised...