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  1. D

    transferring a nuc to 14 x 12 brood

    Thanks. Been told it's a strong nuc. Will see how they are when I get them and maybe give a little syrup. Thanks
  2. D

    transferring a nuc to 14 x 12 brood

    I did think of the approach of just putting the standard frames in the 14 x 12 brood and work them to the outer edge and then replace. I assume I could remove any drone comb from the bottom of the standard frame as varroa control. One other question. Do I need to feed the nuc when I transfer...
  3. D

    transferring a nuc to 14 x 12 brood

    Hi, I am looking for advice on the best may to transfer a nuc on standard brood frames to a 14 x 12 hive. I was thinking of having a standard brood with the five nuc frames on the bottom, then the 14 x 12 brood with new frames.wait until the queen is laying in the 14 x 12 ( and I know she is...