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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    wheres the eggs gone

    hi everyone just over three and a half weeks ago I split a hive as my biggest hive was about to swarm, i put my queen with brood and honey into a nuc and closed up my main hive and left it be for three weeks, when I inspected it three weeks later there was no sign of any eggs or larva, I didn't...
  2. M

    Mini mateing nucs

    Thanks everyone
  3. M

    Mini mateing nucs

    Re: selling honey Would the virgin queen thats left behind be of poor quality due to the small amount of bees to feed her in a small mateing nuc
  4. M

    Honey jar labels

    Re: selling honey Thanks 4 the replys
  5. M

    building hives

    Thanks for the reply
  6. M

    Mini mateing nucs

    Thanks for the reply
  7. M

    Honey jar labels

    Does anyone know of any good websites in which to buy labels
  8. M

    Mini mateing nucs

    Hi everyone just wondering doe mini mateing nucs ever swarm and would it ever be possible to over winter them thanks
  9. M

    aggressive bees

    cheers tom ill gice that a go
  10. M

    aggressive bees

    hawklord ive had the hive two years and last year were aggressive aswell both seems to be worse this year, theres six frames of brood on the last inspection think I will try and requeen as soon as I can, cheers for the advice
  11. M

    building hives

    does anyone know of a good cheap timber supplier in Ireland preferably in or around the Dublin area thinking of building my own hives thanks
  12. M

    aggressive bees

    thanks for the replys everyone, moggot when I say aggressive they attack even when observing the hive a few feet away , when you open them up and smoke them there openly attacking no matter how gentle I am with with them, and when you close them up they continue to follow me ontill im a good bit...
  13. M

    aggressive bees

    hi there whats the best way to calm aggressive bees, one of my hives has been aggressive from day one do I simply change the queen or is there another easier way to sort it thanks.