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  1. Parsonage Bees

    Do you use Queen excluders

    My one big hive this year which I demareed has rebuilt National brood box and has layed up the middle into 3 (maybe 4?) supers. Taken a couple of capped honey supers off the top already. I had one yellow queen the other year that did wander all over, putting brood in the top super. I'll use QXs...
  2. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Building fences. Looking after a cocker spaniel that has limited brain cells and no fear of bees. Yet. And I have some defensive bees. This may not end well.
  3. Parsonage Bees

    First ever batch of mead underway

    Thanks for the advice. Used Lalvin K1-V1116. started at 1.120og. Googled the yeast and it's a generic white wine yeast. If bread making yeast works then this probably will. We had a mead making session at the association and I was given it. Didn't make any notes so I'm progressing stage by...
  4. Parsonage Bees

    First ever batch of mead underway

    !! TWO YEARS !! I think it has stopped fermenting. Three weeks. 15degC in back hall on the quarry tile floor. I understand lower, slower fermentation a good idea. ? I have to test the specific gravity now, yes? Then rack it off into demijohns. And find some demijohns to allow it to mature. ...
  5. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Found something a bit strange this morning. Dead emerging drones I think. 2 weeks ago this frame was patchy drone brood in a failed nuc. Ran in a spare marked VQ 20th June. Seen 4th July appeared mated. Given the earliest date she could have started laying these emerging bees are all from...
  6. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Why do we produce 4 European football teams, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, when bigger nations like Germany and France only have one? Maybe if we had a UK team we'd be unstoppable.
  7. Parsonage Bees

    Unusual uncapped cells?

    Yes, pollen mostly. Those 'canyons' through the comb at top right look unusual tho'. ?
  8. Parsonage Bees

    Fireweed, hawthorn and lime

    Click the "Following" tab rather than "For you". ?
  9. Parsonage Bees

    Fireweed, hawthorn and lime

    Off to get some sugar from Booker today to feed my swarms and nucs here too. Your post made me think, is there anything like keeping bees? Couldn't think of anything.
  10. Parsonage Bees

    Fireweed, hawthorn and lime

    You have one of , if not THE, biggest bee farmer in the UK just south of you and he's had a dreadful year. I follow Murray McGregor (@Into the lions den here) on Twitter. This a few days ago;- "Grim. Out at bees. Fed twice in last 4 weeks. Bags of flowering white clover. Starving again. Zero...
  11. Parsonage Bees

    Where are the wasps?

    Saw a bumble bee for the first time in a while yesterday. Left a couple of vicious thistles for them but getting little interest. Thinking, I haven't seen a squirrel for a few weeks now either. Maybe someone got hungry!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  12. Parsonage Bees

    Where are the wasps?

    Been thinking of using it to take out a few pigeons. Lots of them this year. Trap 'em. Shoot 'em with the air rifle. Most humane way to do it. Squirrel ragu, my favourite.
  13. Parsonage Bees

    bees mooching about at the door

    The bee leaving with pollen will be back is my bet. They're not all ruthlessly efficient. My hives hang out at the entrance and just videoed this one (that I'm moving down from a wall ,3 feet at a time) doing a bit of washboarding. Also a swarm that arrived mid-June.
  14. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I had some frame wire on the hall table (as you do) which would have been ideal. Discovered yesterday this swarm came from my hive. 18 days ago I pruned the QCs down 4 days after removing queen and they went on to produce a few more. Checked my chosen QC had emerged but didn't check for any...
  15. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    And . . . I killed the queen! Found her on the sheet, got her in a clip, hung clip from a frame in the box using thin string, came back the following evening to let her out and they'd chewed through the string, clip falls to the bottom of the box and queen is dead. ! Seriously thinking my bees...
  16. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Think I've got some interest from a beginner. They probably don't have any boxes, frames, etc. so I'll end up selling them the box/frames they are in. Might be a prime swarm but queen doesn't look very big. Might be virgin. My luck with timing mating with good weather has been poor so far. Most...
  17. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I will hopefully have enough colonies from the splits I've made and plan to make plus the swarm that has already arrived in one of my bait boxes. By the look of the weather I'd have to feed this lot to get them to draw out a brood box for winter so I'm happy to let them go. Put the message out...
  18. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Photo could be subject of an essay for an architectural historian.
  19. Parsonage Bees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    ". . . . not worth a fly." Apparently.