Hmmm, interesting. It sounds like a variation of a queen introduction cage and uniting by the newspaper method. I presume that as the match box is wet it is easier for the bees to eat through it and free the queen. By introduction this way the bees have got used to her smell.
I dust mine every couple of weeks. I don't know if it works, but having lost my first colony to varroa I am not taking any chances. It does no harm and as yet, have a very low varroa count last time I checked.
Check this link...
I felt just the same. What a happy moment it is when you finally get to extract your first frame of honey
So, how much has this half jar cost you? I would guess last year mine cost me about £20 plus a jar. And have I got any honey this year? NO!
Please correct me if I have my theory wrong -
As far as I am aware, in winter the bees cluster together in the centre of the brood chamber to keep warm. They need access to their stores/larder to eat to help them survive when the weather gets cold/frost/snow/ice age, but the stores need to be...
I keep reading the advice to 'bruise the comb' of honey in order that the bees move stores from the brood box to the supers.
How do you do this? Especially when some stores are capped, and others are uncapped?
Any advice, methods, and thoughts would be appreciated.
Make sure you have enough bees to keep the brood warm. If you have too much brood to too few bees, the brood could get chilled and die off especially if the weather turns cool.
Brillient photo. The first time I saw this I was convinced that I had invading bees of a different breed coming into the hive from somewhere else
Is there anyway we can mark this photo on 'search' as an example of balsam?
I had two hives this year that took 4 -5 weeks for the queens to mate and lay after the May a/s. I did put several test frames in, but no queen cells were ever made. I had given up all hope
Depends upon the weather - good sunny weather with little wind is favourable. If it is Raining and cool, the queen will not want to go out.
Also, the number of fertile drones. So it could be anything from 3 - 4 days, to 3 - 4 weeks.