keeping them going for 10 years that is good going.hopefully getting my first bees soon and already worrying about over wintering them.not sure about good joiner but don't know anything else.
i wonder why that in one photo, on admins post, floor looks to be made of Meranti and in the other photo american white oak,is this someone just using all there off cuts up and knocking them out for £30 a pop?
sorry to hear he won't be coming back to the forum,as I had a question to ask about the species of timber shown in the photo.looks like american white oak to me,maybe some sharpe eyed person could tell me.
thanks for the advice,on another point I have been looking through old posts in the plans and construction and you asked if anyone had any cad skills.I have been working on some plans for national hive.happy to forward them onto you for use by anyone.if you are interested.
I am in surrey,been looking at thornes site for prices.20 14x12 hoffman frames,20x 5 7/8 hoffman frames for supers and foundation to go with this £107, I was hoping someone knew of somewhere cheaper to buy, for my new hobby.