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  1. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Last year April was almost summer like with temperatures 20c and more. All fruits lost in prices, as usual. For example apples cost $0.03/kg wholesale for juice production. At the local markets the price is $0.3. Many gardeners threw them away. Polish apples cost much more, so our people work...
  2. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I sold mine $1.3/kg. I lost the moment when the price was almost $2 in autumn. This economy is unpredictable in Ukraine, and not only the economy but life in general. It may be interesting sometimes. Where are your people? Many our fools toil in Poland while Polish are in London. The positive...
  3. Podilia

    Chalk Brood? And debris

    Chalk brood occurs sometimes in June-July especially if the weather is cold and wet. I had it in two colonies last summer. I read about a plant which can help. So I had used that plant and chalk brood disappeared. If you have it in your area...
  4. Podilia

    Log Hives

    Not only in France. This kind of beekeeping is still exist in north-west Ukraine. This is a region of forests and marshes. People install logs in trees - really hard work. They use no treatment, no swarm control, no all those operations of...
  5. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    The first really warm day today with max. 17°C, sunshine and quiet. Although there were already two flights, today was the first full flight of all colonies. Snow and cold are usual at that time too. I didn't do anything with bees because was busy with another work. But made a few shots. I know...
  6. Podilia

    How's Your Winter going?

    Hi, everyone. Lazy and beautiful winter is over here. The tempreture varies -5/+5, and dirty remnants of snow decorate the landscape. My bees have not flown yet but in some southern and western regions they can fly and find first pollen. We don't use Latin names of months so this month...
  7. Podilia

    Winter Losses?

    I can say that when there is a low temperature (for example -5-10) bees buzz louder. If warmer - sounds decrease and not so clear. I use just a piece of a rubber tube 1 cm of diameter. If you hear nothing knock slightly the hive. They should respond. If they quickly become calm (a few seconds)...
  8. Podilia

    Winter Losses?

    Crown board with a hole is not used here. I don't think they could take food through the hole. Most beekeepers (me too) have a kind of thick cloth instead of a crown board. Additional food (solid honey, fondant or a comb of honey) is placed just on the top bars of frames under the cloth. The...
  9. Podilia

    Winter Losses?

    Your British Mediterranian winter allows you to open hives and add food, also the bees rear brood and sometimes can even fly so you have to control their stores. If we had had your winter and our summer we would have been Italy or Spain. My winter is much colder and snowy this year. I have...
  10. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    You're right. I used thymol in August.
  11. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    This is a positive side of the low price. Nevertheless there are many fools in my country who are ready to steal hives. Bees are still expensive. For example a few days ago here: 16 hives have disappeared. The owner has a "photo-trap" but the...
  12. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    And how about creatures on two legs? They can do much harm especially if your apiary is in the wilderness without a guard. My apiary now is covered with snow about 30 cm. Three days of snowing.
  13. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Robbing is not the reason. What treatment did you apply? Many our beekeepers use stripes (fluvalinate) made in Serbia and Bulgaria; amitraz from Hungary, something else from elsewhere... They are supposed to be high quality. Russian are bad in general, often with antibiotics. Russia does not...
  14. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Hi, everyone. The last two weeks the weather was much colder for this time of year, -3 -5 at daytime and -6 -10 at night, in addition icy rain, drizzle and fog. And it will be at least until the end of this month. I hope if winter came so early, it will not last long. Constant north-east wind -...
  15. Podilia

    Summer's over?

    The nearest big city is Vinnytsia. This is the western or central region - it depends on how to look at. Finland is big enough too (and very happy according to the last survey :).
  16. Podilia

    Summer's over?

    Summer is not over here, though this week was cold, windy and rainy. But the weather appears to be improving and the following week will be warm and sunny again if we believe in the forecast. North west wind has been changed by south. Today bees even brought some pollen that is rare for this...
  17. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I wish they could have bought our honey directly from us, not from our mafia. You have described our market. Though we don't import chinese honey the price here is $1.4/kg now. Many goods cost as ones in the Western Europe, something is even more expensive. I know a man who sells baby clothes...
  18. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    good explanation. I thought it was taken from the American indians.
  19. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    What is your local native race of bees (if it exists)?
  20. Podilia

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    We are far from the ocean so autumn is a calm period here without storms. But our winter is significantly colder than in Britain. Is it came from the US? Where are indians in Britain?