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  1. P

    Equipment For Sale Lyson Cappings Spinner

    Should have said location lincs/notts
  2. P

    Equipment For Sale Lyson Cappings Spinner

    Lyson cappings spinner 2 seasons of moderate/light use. Surpless to requirement. Most of my cappings go through apimelter and I no longer use this for heather so just taking up space. Only flaw is missing O ring on gate valve but I have aways used it with valve open any way. includes mesh...
  3. P

    Unusual smell / after taste - any ideas?

    Similar shade but it was quite clear. Had bees down on the same site this year and did not get any unusual honey this year, so what ever it was it was not around this year, shame it was nice.
  4. P

    Equipment For Sale Langstroth frames free for collection

    Definitely, I agree. Shame that by the time I realised it I had a shed full of national and commercial kit.
  5. P

    The National Uncapper

    Now if it could loosen heather honey as well......
  6. P

    Plastic Frame and foundation - Thoughts please

    I have tried it in some supers and found they found that on a flow the draw it well.
  7. P


    Always found them good and open about it if there is a delay on none standard equipment.
  8. P

    Using just top bars in national supers

    I would have thought transporting bees with half full supers was risky enough, transporting half full supers on top bars has potential to end badly.
  9. P

    Using just top bars in national supers

    Are you going to transport them half full to the heather or do you not need to move to get heather?
  10. P

    Warming Cabinets

    I use a cheap oil filled electric radiator plugged in to an inkbird thermostat. Need a cabinet bigger than a fridge though!
  11. P

    Using VarroMed

    Looking at thier Web site it looks like it is oxalic acid and formic acid trickle and Spring treatment needs 3+ applications. Multiple applications would get around the issue with not being effective with sealed brood, but I am sure I gave read that OA trickle damages open brood. So potentially...
  12. P

    Swienty breeze suit

    I have a breeze suit and a sheriff and wife has bbwear. Only frustration I have with breeze is driving between sites as the hood does not lay flat on my back. Was surprised at how good the visibility is through the rigid mesh. Anyway as per the OP I tried the hood from other makes on the breeze...
  13. P

    Equipment Wanted Wanted poly ashforth or Miller feeder. BS

    It is more of a flaw with the design of the bottom spaced hive than the feeder, but that is a whole other thread! I have used them (and 40+wooden flat bottomed feeders) with my bottom bee spaced nationals and have not found a massive issue. just give the top bars a smoke and scrape and it is...
  14. P

    Capped queen cell

    Probably not a swarm cell at all but either and attempt at supercedure as they have decided she is duff ( either because she is or because she could not lay as a result of your manipulation) or maybe a response to you moving her out of the colony and if not enough bees were up with her in the...
  15. P

    Equipment Wanted Wanted poly ashforth or Miller feeder. BS

    The swienty ones are good. Same font print as a wooden hive. I got a load from Simon the beekeeper, but think C.Wynn Jones and Gwenyn Gruffydd do them a a reasonable price.
  16. P

    Spotty brood pattern

    Hard to tell with a 2D photo but maybe a bit of a twist going on?
  17. P

    Castellated frames or hoffman style

    I am going back some years but recall my dad acquiring some hives with plastic spacers. Little bits of plastic on the lug of the frame that fall off, break and get in the way when holding, taking off and putting back on for extraction. Seems a faff to me. I will stick with Hoffman and Manley...
  18. P

    Castellated frames or hoffman style

    In what way, I have always found spacers a faff
  19. P

    Castellated frames or hoffman style

    My preference is Hoffman in deep boxes and Manley in the shallows. Don't think bees care one bit as long as there is the correct space (and is the space is not correct the mess they make will bother the beekeeper more than it does the bees) so it personal preference if you go for castilation...
  20. P

    Another honey fraud article

    Huge amounts of South American chicken is imported and used in hospitality industry, vast amounts of Veg oil produced at a cost our growers cannot match has replaced domestic production (since neonic ban) grown in countries without as much regulation, and fruit and veg is flown in from Kenya...